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Feature Request: Associate contexts with people (Adressbook, buddy list, ...) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Having a communication-focused job, I often use people as contexts to remind me of things I want to discuss with a particular person.

I'd love to be able to actually associate these contexts with the actual record of this person in my Adressbook or IM contact list. Omnifocus could then allow me to directly fire up an email to this person or start a skype call from within the context view.

Taking this one step further it would be factastic if omnifocus could even remind me of the tasks associated with this person whenever I am in reading or writing an email to this person or on Skype with him/her. I know this would require a lot of integration / plugin work, but the benefit for me would be priceless.

In general I'd love to see context get a bit smarter. In the IPhone app this is already nicely done via location. However, this is not the only context of the user that could be taken into account. I'm thinking for instance about the active running program on my mac, the time of day, day of week, etc... connecting the contexts of tasks to the current context of the user would allow for smart suggestions or smarter views within Omnifocus.

Interesting idea, but I agree it sounds like a lot of work, especially for that kind of tight integration with other apps.

Personally, I would prefer something more flexible, more universal. For example, what if contexts had a notes field (similar to the one that already exists for projects and actions) that could contain text and attachments? Perhaps it could be accessed from the inspector? Then you could drag/paste in Address Book vcards, phone numbers, email addresses, URLs (IIRC, you can create URLs to initiate Skype calls), files, apps, or any other bits of information that you want associated with the context.


Last edited by Toadling; 2010-02-20 at 10:36 AM..
I don't know about contexts, but you can at least add links to individual actions.

Do a Spotlight search for a person in your address book and choose Show All. You can then drag the "Address Book Person Data" file from the search window into the Notes field in OF.

I think it's also possible to generate an Address Book URL based on the record ID, but I don't have the syntax handy.

Last edited by eurobubba; 2010-02-22 at 10:47 AM.. Reason: Misread OP's intent

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