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The Omni Group's blurb for Macworld Expo ( ) talks about OmniPlan. Bah!

How many people out there are fondly hoping that Omni will make some sort of announcement about OmniFocus at Macworld?


If you're going to be attending MacWorld and can swing by the Apple Store in San Fran from 4:30 - 5:30 on Monday, we're having a little get together about OmniFocus. You can read more on our blog here:


Thanks for the heads-up, Michaela. I didn't make plans to come to MacWorld. I will be out for the IHRSA show at the end of March. IMHO, the toys are more fun at that show.

I love that Apple Store on Market. That store has more free computrons and bandwidth than I've ever seen anywhere. If Merlin or someone else could accomodate, it would be great to hear (even a lo-fi) recording of the presentation there.

I don't know if you ever heard the stories about the first viable PC spreadsheet implementation: VisiCalc on the Apple II. When people started understanding what a spreadsheet could do for their business, they would go to Radio Shack stores and just say: "Give me a VisiCalc!"

The customers had it right: they didn't want hardware or software; they wanted a solution. The salesmen were more than happy to give it to them.

I await the day when customers walk into an Apple Store (or CompUSA, Fry's, etc.) and say:

"I want an OmniFocus!"

I believe the right response would be, "Would you like that in White, Black, or Metal?"

For those of you going, please post the info here when you get it.

I have a lot of things that I would love to see in OmniFocus and would true love to sit and talk with others about their interests. I am finally starting to dump my dreams in the forum here. Much is based on what I wished kGTD would do, such as better time visualization and allowing meetings and call actions to get put into calendar rather than to do.

Please, please report back.
Not to worry! I may not always be replying but I do go through here and look for feature requests, notes, etc. If you'd like to be extra sure that I'll see it, you can also send requests and questions here.


Check out for some juicy OmniFocus bits. It looks like the app is on its way. Maybe we'll see it before spring?!
Posted these over at the site, but didn't see them take on the comments...


Did it feel like a GTD app?

Was it a place both to enter and to do work (one complaint of Kinkless)?

Did they mention syncing to other computers (through .Mac like OmniWeb bookmarks)?

What file format does it save?

Printing options?

iPod support?

So many questions, so little time. :)


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