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Drag and drop Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
What a shame I can't drag files and other items (mail messages?) into OF to create new actions or projects. Yes I know about the shortcut for mail items, but d&d would still be easier as I could take it directly to the correct project and/or context, and anyway it doesn't work for files.

If you have clippings enabled for Any Application (in Clippings Preferences), you can use the OmniFocus Send to Inbox service, from the services menu or the shortcut keystroke, to create an action from a file or a selection of text. If you select a file, OmniFocus will include a link to the file and (in Finder) the filename as the default name for the action in Quick Entry. (If you use Path Finder, the action will be "From Path Finder.")
Yes I see that, and it's brilliant, but I do tend to drag and drop all over the place, and with d & d I could theoretically have less to set manually.

That said, I've realised I can drag a file or message to an existing action to add a shortcut, so really this isn't a big need at all.
I too would like this feature . . . maybe even like a yojimbo or together sidebar. You can drag things onto the OF dock icon, but the title of the newly created things is a link that says it was created in OF. If it said something like "Entourage - XXXX" where XXXX is something from the thing dropped, that would rock. It does put all the info into the notes section, so it can be cleaned up fairly easy.
I too would like to have this drag&drop feature.

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