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I'm on the search for a good outlining program so I watched the Video tutorial for OmniOutliner. I'm impressed because it looks so "intuitive", if that word means an easy, common-sense way of using the program. (I will likely download it for a try-out soon.)

I'd like some opinions from those who've used the program about why you like it and how you use it, and how many of you own and use more than one outliner program.
Your impression that OmniOutliner is impressive is correct. For someone like me that has OO running all the time it's easy to forget how essential this piece of software has become to me over the years.

In short, you won't find a better and more intuitive outliner (in the true meaning of the term "outliner") than OO is. The Pro version is a bliss.

If I have to say anything mildly negative about OO, it's not about the product, but rather about the price that seems to me to be a bit too high considering the competition. Personally I don't mind paying a bit more for something I use daily, but for some peeps the price may be a deal breaker.

What I'd like to see in OO Pro:
- zooming (apparently it's coming up in v.4)
- wrap text around image capability (something similar to Circus Ponies NoteBook media frame)
- webkit integration (something similar to the webkit integration in Aquaminds NoteTaker)

Having said that, keep in mind that I have the other products mentioned above and still find myself clinging to OO for daily use. I think you should download free trial and see how the program fits your style of work and writing.
I would like to agree -- although unlike zts-it, I don't use OO daily, when I do need it is always easy to pick up, do what I need and get the job done.

It's slick, it works, and I find it is the fastest tool to do the outlining things that crop up in my work.

Definitely a must have in my toolkit.

-- Morgan
Regarding the price of OO, I think its worth every penny. For me is the power of OO, ease of use, attention to detail, scalability, and great support that make OO (and other OmniGroup) apps so valuable.

I use OO3 and OmniFocus daily with few if any issues. While the price for many Omni apps may be higher than the going price of some apps by other developers, I will pay more for an application from a developer (like Omni Group) who put so much care and thought into their products.

Can't wait for OO4.
Thanks for giving your opinions! KEEP them coming. :)
I purchased Circus Ponies Notebook and used it for about 6 months. I recently switched to OmniOutliner and like that much better.
I liked Circus Ponies Notebook well enough. While OmniOutliner is my primary notebook - and it's open ALL the time on my desktop - I still use CP Notebook on those occasions when I want to include lots of image files, because I can re-scale the images in CP Notebook, but not in OO.

If OO 4.0 allows re-sizing image files, I doubt I'd ever use CP Notebook again (as good as it is).
It's good to get these opinions. Does anyone who's used Notebook miss the Notebook "look", with the tabs, etc?
I liked the notebook "look", but don't miss it. I prefer working in a straight outliner, where I can collapse and expand items when I want to see them or hide them, rather than clicking on tabs to get to a section, and then having to leaf through pages of that section to find what I'm looking for. It's that extra layer (the tab takes you to a section and then you have to navigate through the pages of that section) that makes information just a little bit less instantly accessible than in OO.

Having said that, I want to reiterate my desire for tabs in OO so I can keep different OO documents open and available at the same time in one window. It's still one less step than Notebook's sections and pages.
I think I'll end up with both OmniOutliner and Notebook, because I like the ease of OO, and have always liked notebooks. :)

My favorite feature is the collapse-ability of everything. You could have virtually a wealth of hundreds of pages of information on one page (couldn't you?), but hidden, then open up what you want with one click. I'm just now trying to figure out how to use the outliner so I can see the titles but not all the paragraphs. I'm getting there. I'm a very newbie.

Please keep your opinions coming.

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