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Focus on a context in planning mode Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
is there are way to 'focus' on a context and show only projects linked with that context in planning mode?

i have two folders of contexts, one for all my staff and one for myself. i want to be able to see all the projects that are only linked to my contexts. Then i want to see projects that are linked to staff contexts. i know i can sort by project in context view but i really want to also be able to see the projects down the side, like in planning mode. i can then click on a specific project and only look at that.

trying to work this out but it doesnt seem possible. Am i missing something?
I would group by project in context view and then click on the applicable context(s). Then select one or more of the listed actions and click Focus.
Bring up a context view grouped by context, select the desired context(s) in the sidebar, then click in right hand side and select all. Now right-click and select Focus in New Window and you've got a window focused on the projects that have at least one action from the selected contexts. You could make a temporary perspective ("Active projects with Steve and Martha") that retains the contents and update it as needed, but there's no way to specify a perspective that adjusts automatically.
thanks guys. I just tried that and i works, though I was hoping it would be an automatic perspective sort of like a smart folder. if i add another project later on, it wouldnt show up with this technique. I can see why whpalmer says to update it or else i could miss out on new projects.

cheers for the advice :)
Fortunately, updating it isn't very difficult — just repeat the process, do Perspectives → Save Window Asperspective name and you are all set. When I have "dynamic" perspectives like this, I update them when I empty my Inbox or do a review. Those two operations are the ones most likely to create new actions which might necessitate updating the perspective(s). YMMV, of course.

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