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Directly reading OF files Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'd like to extract the current list of flagged tasks from OmniFocus. I will feed this into an app I'm working on, which will be running on a Linux box.

I was looking at the .zip file that is stored via WebDAV, and it looks like what gets stored is a file with the data, and a series of update files. So if I want to extract this, I need to go through all the files and perform the updates myself.

Is this right? Is there an easier way? Does any of the Omni framework code do this?

For right now, I will probably hack up a prototype using AppleScript to extract the data whenever my laptop is on, but that's sub-optimal.
Originally Posted by gopi View Post
Is there an easier way?
Here is a post sketching a procedure for consolidating to a single zip, from which you could read the xml more simply:

(I have to say that in the end I have retreated from processing the zips directly a couple of times, and settled for the simplicity of getting property value lists from Applescript):

tell front document
set refFlagged to a reference to (flattened tasks where (flagged is true) and (completed is false))
set {lstName, lstNote, lstDue, lstDurn} to {name, note, due date, estimated minutes} of refFlagged
end tell

Getting something like cron to run an applescript from the shell with osascript, perhaps ?


Last edited by RobTrew; 2010-09-12 at 11:35 PM..

Thanks for the suggestions. That is what I will end up doing for now. I don't have an OS X system running as a server, so I'll need to fix that if I want to make this work when my laptop is asleep.

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