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Re-use same window when selecting context from menu bar? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I tried putting OF in the menu bar where it gives me a nice list of my contexts and overdue items for each context. It's much more readable and "friendly" for me than the dock icon.

However, when I select a context, it opens a _new_ window that displays that context... and eaves the other window alone. So if I do that a few times, I get lots of OF windows. Not something I want... I don't think it's all that "Mac-like" to have lots of windows open for the same application.

Any way to change this behavior? I want exactly one OF Window open at all times... and don't want double-clicking on anything or selecting via the menu item to open another window... i want it to change the view in the open window. Any tips/suggestions here apprciated.
I'm not sure why you think not having multiple windows open is more Mac-like!

There is no setting I'm aware of to prevent OF from opening new windows when you double-click on an action or project, follow a Growl notification, or use the dock or menu bar to go to a context. However, you can use my handy script to close all but the front window when they accumulate.

Thread on closing excess windows

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