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Link to Address Book Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am a very satisfied user of Omni Focus and OF for iPhone and constantly find ways of improving the classification and handling of my projects. However, there is one thing that would constitute a great improvement and that is a link to address book. Many tasks involve third parties and a direct link to a person or a group of people would be a great enhancement to the system.

I am impressed by the way, for instance, Bento can take standard OS X data (calendar, contacts) and allow additional information and relationships to be stored alongside individual iCal and Address records. Of course, Bento isn't as effective as a project manage as Omni Focus, but it does have some novel aspects.

Is this type of relationship linking something that has been considered?
Open the note field of the action or project you wish to link to the address book. Open the address book to the desired card. Drag the card from the address book to the note field. Pat yourself on the back, you've now got a link to that address book card that will open it when you click on the link, even if the address book isn't running. Unfortunately, that link won't make sense anywhere except the computer on which you created it, in my experience.
Thanks. This is a good tip and I will use it. However, in the future it would be nice to have the ability to have a Person column alongside Context/Project/Due Date. Maybe I'm asking too much.
As always, if you want your request officially noted, use Help->Send Feedback to send it in...Omni purportedly takes the frequency of requests into consideration when deciding what to develop, and they don't log forum traffic into their database.
I agree with Mixalis wholeheartedly. I was just logging on to see if there was any development regarding integrating contacts into OF. I need this integrated into the iphone app as well. Sending a note to feedback peeps right soon now.
Wouldn't this feature pull OmniFocus into the workgroup/contact management direction, ala Basecamp? While I'd love this, they probably should get task management down pat first... v3.0 maybe? :)

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