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Why do my tasks scheduled with a due date of today show as Overdue (i.e., have that ‘style’ assignment, showing as red).

Imo, they should not show as overdue until tomorrow. They’re due today, and it’s still today.
Originally Posted by rmathes View Post
Why do my tasks scheduled with a due date of today show as Overdue (i.e., have that ‘style’ assignment, showing as red).

Imo, they should not show as overdue until tomorrow. They’re due today, and it’s still today.
Well, it depends on what the actual due time on the action is. By default, if you haven't set it otherwise, the due time is 12:00AM, so 1 second after midnight, the action/project is overdue. If you want it not to show as overdue until the day is over, set your default due time to 11:59PM and it will only be marked as Due Soon the day it is due (until 11:59PM). You can set this parameter in the Data tab of the OmniFocus preferences.
perfect, thank you sir. Makes perfect sense. I’d missed that preference.

Much appreciated.
Is there a way to change the default due time to 11:59 PM on the iPhone version of OF?
There's no user interface for setting that on the phone yet, but if you send an email to the support ninjas, we can add your feedback to the development database so the team knows you'd like to see that feature get brought over.

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