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Ad hoc links OmniFocus <--> Devonthink Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
DEVONthink 2 works well as a store of the nouns (files) associated with the verbs at the heart of OmniFocus projects and actions.

Another post provides Applescripts for the OmniFocus toolbar which support a work style in which any OF folder or project has a parallel folder in DEVONthink.

You may, however, also need more ad hoc links back and forth between OF projects/tasks and a variety of DEVONthink databases, folders and records.

DEVONthink to OmniFocus

Select any folder or record in any DEVONthink database, and use
Edit > Copy Item Link (Cmd Ctl Opt C)
this will put a hyperlink into the clipboard, and you can paste it into the note of any OmniFocus element.

OmniFocus to DEVONthink

Drag a project or task from OF into Devonthink, and you will automatically get an appropriately named record with a hyperlink back to the appropriate part of your OF data.

I find that interlinking data in these programs really works very well.

Last edited by RobTrew; 2009-06-19 at 07:36 AM..
I have thought about this for awhile, but haven't implemented it. Thanks for the push.

My Devonthink DB has EVERYTHING in it as I have given up on spotlight. I am thinking of creating multiple devonthink db's so it is not so overwhelming-- i.e. active project support.

Yes, I use several DEVONthink databases, and keep a smart folder on the Desktop so that they all appear in one place.

(A saved search created with the Spotlight save button, looking for all .dtBase2 file extensions)
I was asked, on another forum, to describe the workflow in which I combine OmniFocus and DEVONthink 2 (using a set of scripts).

Here, FWIW, is the link to my rough description.
Thanks, I downloaded your scripts and they all work as advertised. They are going to change my workflow, the OO tie-in is just what I need for several large projects that are becoming mentally unwieldy. Even the icons are intuitive. I really appreciate the effort.


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