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Masters vdx Export to Visio Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi. I am trying to justify using OG4 on a mac to my team by showing how well it can import and export to/from visio via vdx. When i take a native visio file on the pc, export to vdx, import to OG4 it generally works fine. There are two problems:

problem 1: if the visio file uses nested backgrounds (masters), the parent master doesnt show up in the child (ie. if master 2 uses master 1, master 2 doesnt show up in master 1 when imported into OG4)

problem 2: if i start with a native OG4 file with master, export to vdx and open the vdx in visio, the master do not show up at all in visio.

I can work around problem 1 by requiring non-nested masters (which would be a crying shame) but I cant work around problem 2. the fact that OG4 seems to strip out the masters when exporting to a vdx makes the export function totally useless.

Am I missing something? is there a way to get this masters game to work properly?

Some more info... when I export a vdx from OG4 and then open it with OG4 the masters are gone. so this seems to be a problem with the way OG4 outputs vdx.

any chance of a bug fix???

let me tell you whats at stake: our company uses pcs and visio or powerpoint. recently the company has been giving new hires the option of a mac. but pp on a mac sucks. OG is the way to go for the work we are doing. but... if we cant get solid vdx support then they may recant the decision to give people macs or make the mac users use visio running under XP on the mac in Parallels enviroment. this would strike OG off the 'approved' apps list. we are talking about a company with thousands of employees...

its probably a good idea to get back to me with a fix for this or a promise to fix it in a near future release. I am the one in charge of reporting my findings on the ability of OG to export solid vdx files.
even more info...

i made a nested masters doc in visio: background page 2 is the background in background page 3. page 1 uses background 3 and another shape.

i export a vdx from visio and then import the vdx into visio... the document imports properly with the backgrounds, nested, intact.

so its not a problem with the way visio imports/exports vdx's. it appears to be a problem with OG4.
Masters not exporting to .vdx is an oversight on our part, plain and simple -- That and some other issues such as our own text markup variables not exporting properly to Visio XML are going to be addressed in a future release. Likewise, Visio's own date and time format doesn't import well into OmniGraffle Professional.

As for Visio's ability to nest master pages, we have similar feature requests to allow master canvas inheritance so if we implement this feature we'll likely attempt to apply it to Visio import.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
Originally Posted by Joel
Masters not exporting to .vdx is an oversight on our part, plain and simple -- That and some other issues such as our own text markup variables not exporting properly to Visio XML are going to be addressed in a future release. Likewise, Visio's own date and time format doesn't import well into OmniGraffle Professional.

As for Visio's ability to nest master pages, we have similar feature requests to allow master canvas inheritance so if we implement this feature we'll likely attempt to apply it to Visio import.
damn. well another detail i wanted to mention was that visio vdx files WILL open in OG4 properly including masters. the problem is EXPORTING vdx's.


any idea when this might be fixed?
I'm curious about an approximate timeline that this would be addressed?

It feels like Omnigraffle is so close, but I just can't use it on mixed teams yet. :(
same here. we are about to get into a long 1 year project and unless omnigraffle gets the multple masters things working, we'll be running parallels and visio on our macs. that means the company will not be able to justify buying omnigraffle for its employees in the long run. alas.
Hi there -- I just uncovered this problem with masters/Visio backgrounds doing an import of a graffle-created file into Visio 2003. The masters did not appear at all and the background elements were complete missing. Weird.

Is this fix still in the works? I'd love an update
This was fixed last February in the Graffle 4.2 beta.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
I downloaded 4.2.1 and thought that the whole vdx import/export issues would have been fixed, specifically around backgrounds. When i create a graffle file with a master canvas and export to vdx, open in visio 2003, i get an error and the master is not imported. i have tried this with 2 and 3 masters assigned to various canvases. i cant get vdx export to export masters to visio. any suggestions?


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