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Help making a script that would get completed items for that day Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hey there,
I'm hoping to get on track and to keep myself motivated. I was wondering if anyone had create something like an accomplishment script.

In my mind the script would run once a day, go through the list of items that you've checked off as finished and then give you the list in the form of titles that you could copy or place it as a singular event in ical.
Originally Posted by mandaris View Post
Hey there,
I'm hoping to get on track and to keep myself motivated. I was wondering if anyone had create something like an accomplishment script.

In my mind the script would run once a day, go through the list of items that you've checked off as finished and then give you the list in the form of titles that you could copy or place it as a singular event in ical.
It's pretty easy to create a perspective which is completed items, sorted by completed date. You can then do whatever you want with it: I've exported to HTML or plain text for example. Putting it as an event in iCal seems an odd use for it; it would be cluttered if you were at all productive ;-)
Thank you for the quick reply and I definitely think that's a great starting place.

The thing is that I'm hoping to start up a chain of events that I can look at and in a glance say "I've done activity xyz for N number of days in the past so I should continue to work on it". It's the same strategy that Jerry Sienfeld uses in order to motivate him to do more comedy.

Here's a link:

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