Another draft script sketches a simple GUI approach to selecting a subset of OO3 rows which match certain criteria.
A limitation of that script is that while it can concatenate conditions simply linked by and, it doesn't allow for anything more complex, such as the use of or or the application of not to nested sub-clusters of conditions.
Another limitation is that it only gives access to a subset of oo3 row properties.
In cases where slightly more complex selection criteria would be helpful, or access to less-visited row properties is needed, I use a (very) quick and dirty piece of code which enables me to type and apply a query in an applescript syntax (to select a subset of rows) and then re-use the query later by selecting it from a Most Recently Used list.
Only useful to users who are fairly familiar with applescript, and with the properties and quirks of the 003 row class in the applescript library, but here it is, as a minor curiosity ...
(Note that the names of any user-defined columns must be entered in [square brackets]. There are some other comments on the query language in the script itself. In particular the possible values of the default status checkbox differ from those of user-defined columns of the checkbox type - this is just a quirk of the 003 applescript library ...)
(On my system this script runs as happily from the OO3 toolbar as from the OO3 script menu - by default it stores the MRU list in the user's Documents folder).

A limitation of that script is that while it can concatenate conditions simply linked by and, it doesn't allow for anything more complex, such as the use of or or the application of not to nested sub-clusters of conditions.
Another limitation is that it only gives access to a subset of oo3 row properties.
In cases where slightly more complex selection criteria would be helpful, or access to less-visited row properties is needed, I use a (very) quick and dirty piece of code which enables me to type and apply a query in an applescript syntax (to select a subset of rows) and then re-use the query later by selecting it from a Most Recently Used list.
Only useful to users who are fairly familiar with applescript, and with the properties and quirks of the 003 row class in the applescript library, but here it is, as a minor curiosity ...
(Note that the names of any user-defined columns must be entered in [square brackets]. There are some other comments on the query language in the script itself. In particular the possible values of the default status checkbox differ from those of user-defined columns of the checkbox type - this is just a quirk of the 003 applescript library ...)
(On my system this script runs as happily from the OO3 toolbar as from the OO3 script menu - by default it stores the MRU list in the user's Documents folder).

-- QUERY ROWS -- Ver 0.7b provides a multi-choice list of row properties and user-defined fields from which -- a re-usable query can be built -- Select OO3 rows by entering applescript-like command line queries -- The syntax is that of an Applescript WHOSE / WHERE clause, -- (The words "whose"/"where" should NOT be included) -- but the names of user-defined columns must be entered in square brackets -- (they are internally translated to a "value of cell id ..." format) -- A most-recently-used list enables reuse of recent queries -- In addition to square-bracketed name of user-defined columns, -- the name of any row property listed in the applescript library may be used. -- Note that the possible values for the state property of a row are the unquoted constants: -- -- checked -- -- indeterminate -- -- none -- -- unchecked -- whereas the possible values of a user-defined checkbox column are strings and need to be quoted: -- -- "checked" -- -- "indeterminate " -- -- "none" -- -- "unchecked" -- Copyright © 2010, Robin Trew -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, -- are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, -- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation -- and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -- "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR -- ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES -- (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; -- LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, -- WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) -- ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. property plngMRU : 10 property pOpen : "[" property pClose : "]" property pTopic : "topic" property pNewQuery : "ENTER NEW QUERY" property pSpacer : "-------------------------------------------------------" property pSeparator : " - " property pstrObjFile : "OO3MRUQueries" property pstrSuffix : ".scpt" -- property pstrScriptPath : (path to temporary items folder as string) & ¬ -- pstrObjFile & pstrSuffix property pstrScriptPath : (path to documents folder as string) & ¬ pstrObjFile & pstrSuffix -- SCRIPT OBJECT FOR HOLDING MRU queries BETWEEN RUNS -- (PATH AS ABOVE) script sMRUQueries property plstQueries : {} end script on run -- EXIT IF NO DOCUMENT IS OPEN IN 003 tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutlinerPro3" if (count of documents) < 1 then return set oDoc to front document end tell -- CHOOSE A SAVED QUERY, OR WRITE A NEW ONE set lstSavedQueries to GetSavedQueries() set strLegibleQuery to ChooseOrWriteQuery(lstSavedQueries) if length of strLegibleQuery < 1 then return -- TRANSLATE THE FIELDS OF THE LEGIBLE QUERY TO -- APPLESCRIPT CELL ID REFERENCES set strMachineQuery to TranslateFields(strLegibleQuery) -- RUN THE TRANSLATED QUERY, TO OBTAIN -- A REFERENCE TO A SUBSET OF ROWS tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutlinerPro3" set strScript to " script on GetRows() set today to today() tell application " & quote & "OmniOutliner Professional" & quote & linefeed & " set oDoc to front document tell oDoc return a reference to rows where " & strMachineQuery & " end tell end tell end GetRows on today() set dteToday to current date set hours of dteToday to 0 set minutes of dteToday to 0 set seconds of dteToday to 0 dteToday end today end script " -- GET A REFERENCE (FROM THE PATCHED SCRIPT) -- TO THE ROWS WHICH MATCH THE "WHERE" FILTER try set oScript to run script strScript on error display dialog "query language error in:" & return & return & quote & strMachineQuery & quote return end try try set refRows to GetRows() of oScript on error display dialog "query language error, or field not found, in:" & return & return & quote & strMachineQuery & quote return end try -- IN THE USER INTERFACE, SELECT ANY MATCHING ROWS set blnFound to false try set blnFound to (count of refRows) > 0 on error display dialog "query language logic error in:" & return & return & quote & strMachineQuery & quote set selected of rows of oDoc to false return end try if blnFound then set expanded of rows of oDoc to false set refParents to a reference to ancestors of refRows set expanded of refParents to true select refRows without extending activate -- IF ANY ROWS WERE MATCHED, STORE THE LEGIBLE VERSION OF THE QUERY my SaveQuery(strLegibleQuery) else -- IF *NO* ROWS WERE MATCHED, ALERT THE USER display dialog "No rows found in " & name of oDoc & return & return & ¬ "with the query:" & return & tab & strLegibleQuery end if end tell --store script sMRUQueries in file pstrScriptPath replacing yes end run on QueryDraft(varSelns) set strDraft to "" set blnFirst to true if varSelns is not false then set lngFields to length of varSelns repeat with oField in varSelns set text item delimiters to " - " set strField to first text item of oField set strClass to text item 2 of oField if blnFirst then if lngFields > 1 then set strDraft to strDraft & "(" set blnFirst to false else set strDraft to strDraft & " and (" end if set strDraft to strDraft & strField if strClass contains "text" then set strDraft to strDraft & " contains " else if strClass is "date" then set strDraft to strDraft & " ≥ (today )) and (" & strField & " ≤ ((today ) + 1 * day) -1" else set strDraft to strDraft & " is " end if if lngFields > 1 then set strDraft to strDraft & ")" end repeat end if set text item delimiters to space strDraft end QueryDraft -- Build a list of the names and classes of the properties of an object on PropList(oObj) set recProps to (properties of oObj) -- AND LIST THE CLASSES OF EACH PROPERTY set lstProps to recProps as list set lstClass to {} repeat with oValue in lstProps set end of lstClass to (class of oValue) as string end repeat -- EXTRACT THE NAME OF EACH PROPERTY -- BY CONVERTING THE PROPERTY LIST TO A STRING -- AND TRANSLATING EACH 4-LETTER CODE TO AN ENGLISH PROPERTY NAME set strDelim to text item delimiters -- Convert the record to a string (by decoding an error message :-) set strProps to my Rec2Str(recProps) set text item delimiters to ", «" set lstItems to text items of strProps set text item delimiters to "" set first item of lstItems to (characters 3 thru end of first item of lstItems) as text set lstPropName to {} repeat with oItem in lstItems -- Extract the class property from the start set text item delimiters to "»" set lstParts to text items of oItem set strClass to "«" & first item of lstParts & "»" set oClass to run script strClass set end of lstPropName to (oClass as string) -- Look for any other properties in the rest of the string set strRest to item 2 of lstParts set text item delimiters to ", " set lstRest to text items of strRest repeat with strPart in lstRest set text item delimiters to space set strPossible to first item of text items of strPart set text item delimiters to ":" set lstCommaParts to text items of strPossible if length of lstCommaParts is 2 then set strPropName to first item of lstCommaParts if length of strPropName > 0 then ¬ set end of lstPropName to strPropName end if end repeat end repeat -- COMBINE THE PROPERTY NAMES WITH THE LIST OF CLASSES -- (ALLOWING FOR ALTERNATIVE CLASSES IN THE CASE OF THE 'PARENT' PROPERTY) repeat with iProp from 1 to count of lstPropName set (item iProp of lstPropName) to (item iProp of lstPropName) & pSeparator & item iProp of lstClass end repeat set text item delimiters to strDelim -- SORT THE LIST ALPHABETICALLY set lstPropName to ShellSort(lstPropName) return lstPropName end PropList -- Convert a record to a string by stealing the interesting part of an error message ... on Rec2Str(rec) -- trigger the simplest error to get the measure of its message set recDummy to {a:1} as record try recDummy as string on error strShortMsg set strDelim to text item delimiters set text item delimiters to {"{a:1}"} set lngStart to (length of first text item of strShortMsg) + 1 set lngEnd to length of last text item of strShortMsg set text item delimiters to strDelim end try -- trigger an informative error and grab its string representation -- of the record try rec as string on error strRecordMsg set lngEnd to ((length of strRecordMsg) - lngEnd) set strRecord to text lngStart thru lngEnd of strRecordMsg end try return strRecord end Rec2Str -- use a shell script to sort a list on ShellSort(lst) set strDelim to text item delimiters set text item delimiters to {ASCII character 10} -- linefeed set strList to (lst as string) set strNew to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of strList & " | sort -f" set lstNew to (paragraphs of strNew) set text item delimiters to strDelim return lstNew end ShellSort on SaveQuery(strLegibleQuery) if (plstQueries of my sMRUQueries) does not contain strLegibleQuery then set lngMax to plngMRU - 1 if length of (plstQueries of my sMRUQueries) > lngMax then ¬ set (plstQueries of my sMRUQueries) to ¬ items 1 thru lngMax of (plstQueries of my sMRUQueries) set beginning of (plstQueries of my sMRUQueries) to strLegibleQuery end if try store script my sMRUQueries in file pstrScriptPath replacing yes end try end SaveQuery on TranslateFields(strLegibleQuery) tell application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutlinerPro3" -- list bracketed versions of user-defined column names set oDoc to front document tell oDoc set refCols to a reference to (columns where (name is not "") and (name is not pTopic)) set lstColNames to name of refCols set lngCols to length of lstColNames repeat with iCol from 1 to lngCols set item iCol of lstColNames to pOpen & item iCol of lstColNames & pClose end repeat set lstColId to id of refCols end tell end tell -- translated bracketed field names to cell id references set strTransln to strLegibleQuery repeat with iCol from 1 to length of lstColId set strCellValue to "(value of cell id " & quote & item iCol of lstColId & quote & ")" item iCol of lstColNames strCellValue strTransln set strTransln to my FindReplace(strTransln, (item iCol of lstColNames), strCellValue) strTransln end repeat strTransln end TranslateFields on ChooseOrWriteQuery(lstSavedQueries) set blnNewQuery to true if length of (lstSavedQueries) > 0 then set varChoice to choose from list {pNewQuery} & lstSavedQueries default items {pNewQuery} with title "Select rows by querying" if varChoice is false then return "" set blnNewQuery to (varChoice is {pNewQuery}) end if if blnNewQuery then -- Offer a prompt to build a draft query tell application "OmniOutliner Professional" set oDoc to front document -- GET A PROPERTIES RECORD FOR THE SAMPLE OBJECT set oRow to last item of rows of oDoc set lstProps to my PropList(oRow) -- ADD THE [SQUARED BRACKETED] NAMES, AND COLUMN TYPES, OF ANY USER-DEFINED COLUMNS set strID to id of topic column of oDoc set lstCols to (columns of oDoc where (name is not "")) set lstFields to {} repeat with oCol in lstCols set end of lstFields to "[" & name of oCol & "]" & pSeparator & type of oCol end repeat end tell set varSelns to choose from list (lstFields & lstProps) with title "choose properties to filter on" with prompt ¬ "select multiple properties with Cmd-Click" with multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed set strDraft to QueryDraft(varSelns) -- Get a query with user-defined fieldnames in square brackets from user set recResponse to display dialog "rows where:" default answer strDraft buttons {pSpacer & " Run query " & pSpacer} if recResponse is not false then set strQuery to text returned of recResponse else return end if else set strQuery to varChoice end if strQuery end ChooseOrWriteQuery on GetSavedQueries() -- RETRIEVE ANY STORED QUERIES FROM RECENT USE try set sMRUQueries to load script file pstrScriptPath on error store script my sMRUQueries in file pstrScriptPath replacing yes end try return plstQueries of my sMRUQueries end GetSavedQueries on FindReplace(strText, strFind, strReplacement) set {strText, strFind} to {strText as string, strFind as string} set AppleScript's text item delimiters to strFind set strText to text items of strText set AppleScript's text item delimiters to strReplacement tell strText to set strText to item 1 & ({""} & rest) set AppleScript's text item delimiters to space strText end FindReplace
Last edited by RobTrew; 2010-07-08 at 03:54 AM.. Reason: ver 0.7b - Allows for use of the symbol 'today' in date queries