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Email to OmniFocus - Ignore after... Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Does anyone know if it is possible, when sending an action by email, to ignore any text after a certain point.

For example, I don't want my signature added to the notes of an action, nor the automatically appended stuff my company's server wants in my emails.

Is there a symbol that indicates that everything after this point shouldn't be processed?
Mockman, I'm not aware of a "ignore after this point" sequence - I'm betting they left that out because of concerns about what would happen if an email accidentally included those characters in information you actually did want to include.

That said, the above is pure speculation - if you email the support ninjas we can either open a new feature request for this, or attach your email to an existing one, if it's already been filed. Thanks very much!
Thanks Brian. I will do so shortly.

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