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Full Screen Mode (Lion) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've had a quick search on the forums - so apologies if this has been answered and my searching skills have missed the answer

Other Omni products appear to support full screen mode beautifully - but not OmniFocus? Is this just a bug I'm experiencing or by design does OmniFocus not support Full Screen mode?

Yeah, I would love that as well. Even more focus!
Agreed. Any plans for that?
I asked the exact same thing in a previous thread (not sure how to reference it here). The answer in short (based on the response I got back from Lizard / Omni) is that it didn't make sense to update the Omnifocus UI to support fullscreen mode when there are "other plans afoot" (paraphrased).

It would appear that this fullscreen support may be enacted upon in the impending OF v2 release; reading between the lines. You'll notice that the OO and OG updates were brought on in time for the Lion release as these offer the full feature support of Lion (auto-save, version and full screen). This makes sense because these are document-based applications. Omnifocus is not. Because it's a database / sync model, none of these features (except for fullscreen mode) are actually relevant to Omnifocus. Hence, there was (I'm only surmising here) no real push for Lion features for Omnifocus as a priority and interim addition given they are currently working on OF v2 anyway.

Thank you countdrachma for taking the time to reply - it does make perfect sense and at least I know now that it's not just me.. there is *no* full screen mode on the current OmniFocus version
I'm not worried too much about full screen but I have not figured out a way though to have OF run in its on space as it were. I'd like to be able to mouse gesture between the apps. But is seems like every not full screen app gets jammed into one crowded space. Am I missing something in lion?
Originally Posted by countdrachma View Post

.....It would appear that this fullscreen support may be enacted upon in the impending OF v2 release; reading between the lines. You'll notice that the OO and OG updates were brought on in time for the Lion release as these offer the full feature support of Lion (auto-save, version and full screen).....

IIRC, I think OmniPlan 2 was the current focus for development. With OmniPlan 2 out the door and released into the wild, Omni's next target was going to be OmniOutliner 4.

A lot of the R&D that will go into OmniOutliner 4 will probably make its way into OmniFocus 2. So it looks like it may be a while before we get to OF2.

I could be mistaken but I think that was the general game plan for the upcoming future.....
Originally Posted by arnoutdrenthel View Post
Yeah, I would love that as well. Even more focus!
I would love fullscreen as well.
Originally Posted by wilsonng View Post
IIRC, I think OmniPlan 2 was the current focus for development. With OmniPlan 2 out the door and released into the wild, Omni's next target was going to be OmniOutliner 4.

A lot of the R&D that will go into OmniOutliner 4 will probably make its way into OmniFocus 2. So it looks like it may be a while before we get to OF2.

I could be mistaken but I think that was the general game plan for the upcoming future.....
You may be right about the priority order and OF being down the list a bit still. I would have loved to have seen OF get full screen support now, as it's funny how I've come to prefer working in fullscreen mode now that gestures in Lion lets you easily move back and forth as easily as Spaces used to. That said, I'd be just as happy to see resources shifted to OO4. No doubt there will be calls from the restless natives for OP iPad too, before too long...

Omni, you bring this on yourselves by creating such great software. We all anticipate the next run of improvements eagerly!
Originally Posted by gcrump View Post
I'm not worried too much about full screen but I have not figured out a way though to have OF run in its on space as it were. I'd like to be able to mouse gesture between the apps. But is seems like every not full screen app gets jammed into one crowded space. Am I missing something in lion?
Yes, you can put it in its own space. Open Mission control, drag OmniFocus to the top right of the screen and a new space will appear. Drop it in that space. Next go to the Dock, click and hold on the OmniFocus icon. A menu will appear; select Options -> This Desktop.

This works for all apps.

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