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How to set default window location? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
There has been great debate on OW's counter-intuitive way to save a Window's default size, but at least it's there. Now, how about the location? I can't seem to find a way to set default location for new windows and such a humble thing is quite bothering me. How can I set default window location?
By saving the window size, the position of the window is also saved—only for the window that opens when you start OW, though. All subsequent new windows will be cascaded. Personally, I never use more than one window, only tabs, but I agree that there should be a possibility to fix the position where any new window will appear.
OK I see what you are saying, so there is a problem, maybe a bug.

When I launch OW for the first time it does show the window with my custom location. If I close that window and open a new one, it will NOT use my custom location. So this is a problem.

If I save the custom location and size, shouldn't that be applied to any new window?
FWIW, I remember either Troy or Ken from OmniGroup explaining in one of the other threads how to change this. The default behavior is to cascade new windows. For now, it is a command line solution. I would like to see it as a selectable option.

Another option is to follow this link's advice regarding Workspaces.

Last edited by Chiller; 2006-11-19 at 07:26 PM..
Originally Posted by migueld
OK I see what you are saying, so there is a problem, maybe a bug.

When I launch OW for the first time it does show the window with my custom location. If I close that window and open a new one, it will NOT use my custom location. So this is a problem.

If I save the custom location and size, shouldn't that be applied to any new window?
OmniWeb always cascades new windows from the previously created window, regardless of whether it still exists or not. You can reset the process by closing all windows though. (In other words a restart isn't necessarily required.)

It isn't really a bug but the behavior can be improved on for sure (all our apps behave this way unfortunately).
You can turn cascading off with this terminal command:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 OAWindowCascadeDisabled -bool true

But... cascading is good.

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