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What is the fastest way? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi there,
what is the fastest way for syncing? Sometimes my iPhone 5 needs up do 8-20 seconds just for syncing (with only up to 100 tasks, no pictures or stuff like that), which is very very slow on the go. Just look at Things' sync -.-

Is there any way to speed this up?

Last edited by lmsboy; 2013-02-07 at 04:53 PM..
Originally Posted by lmsboy View Post
Hi there,
what is the fastest way for syncing? Sometimes my iPhone 5 needs up do 8-20 seconds just for syncing (with only up to 100 tasks, no pictures or stuff like that), which is very very slow on the go. Just look at Things' sync -.-

Is there any way to speed this up?
Things' sync is faster than OmniFocus. There's really no debating that.

OmniFocus sync relies on your syncing every device that's running OmniFocus on a fairly frequent basis. Do you have one device that hasn't been synced in a while?
I sync all my devices more then once a day and the maximum of speed is 6 seconds, which is very rare -.-

That's really really bad, because time is money and if I'm at the customer and I want to add something which depends on some other tasks, I've to wait for sync.

Maybe one day OG will notice how important a fast sync is in a modern world.

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