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Bookmark Sync With Safari Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This is to help out the iPhone users. There HAS to be a way to make this happen...

Also, making autofill in OW stop sucking would be awesome! Back when it was OW 3.5 and I talked to you guys at MacWorld you said you knew the code for autofill was rubbish and were working on it...
After reading about it somewhere (Macintoshian Achaia, perhaps?) I plopped down $12 on Bookit this morning. Converts to/from many web browsers, including OW -> Safari. And, wonder of wonders, it preserves everything beautifully. OW uses HTML for its bookmarks, so "ó" (for instance) becomes its corresponding HTML entity "& oacute;" (minus the space) when Safari's in-app bookmark importer runs. Bookit converts this (and other entities, like ampersand) properly. It's great, and it's cheap. Once it's open, assuming you're doing OW -> Safari every time, you can do the whole conversion just by hitting enter a few times - nothing to click.

HTH --
It's still an extra step and an extra piece of software, I use Bookdog to do the same thing, I would like it to be seamless.
A full bookmark synch would be amazing....RSS synch for that matter would also be handy, but bookmark at a minimum
I requested a bookmark sync many years ago when OW 5 first came out and I'm still waiting!
Another vote for BookIt.

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