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Address Book integration Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Are there any plans to integrate OmniFocus with AddressBook? I’d like to associate actions with contacts.

I tried to solve this problem with an @Agenda context but it’s to generic without adding contact–specific subcontexts and when you have many contacts it becomes cumbersome. Moreover, not all actions associated with a contact can be classified under an @Agenda context.

Ideally, it would be nice to have an “Attendees” field, like iCal; coupled with an Address Book plugin that shows, say, all projects/next actions for a given contact would be very useful, too.
You can drag a contact from Address Book onto a note to create a link back to Address Book. You'll see their name displayed, and if you control- or right-click on the name you have the option of opening their entry in Address Book.

This link is live: if you change the name in address book, you'll see it change in OmniFocus.

There are lots of cool things we will be able to do with this in the future (such as indicating whether they're currently available for messaging, like we do in OmniPlan; or searching for all references to a contact; or displaying their phone number; etc.), but for now the basics of making the association are in place. (We really want to do more, but we also really want to ship 1.0!)
Another cool idea would be addressbook type ahead.

So, if I am creating a task and start type "OmniFocus ideas to Ken..." It would start looking up in my addressbook and suggest "Kenny Logins, Ken Case, Kenny Rogers.." etc.

There is a great example of this in the Keywards Manager for iPhoto.

Originally Posted by Ken Case
You can drag a contact from Address Book onto a note to create a link back to Address Book. You'll see their name displayed, and if you control- or right-click on the name you have the option of opening their entry in Address Book.
Great! Some enhancements:
  • The contact should be visually recognizable from the sorrounding text
  • It should be searchable

Also, can I edit embedded contacts via AppleScript?
Dragging a contact from Adress Book to a note is very good, but dragging it onto the action would be better - or even dragging it onto the dock icon and a action would be created.
I like the idea of lookahead -- for that to work, we need a way to indicate to OF that we're about to enter a name, since we'd be entering into a comment (a non-name) field. What character could we use that normally would never be used in a comment?
I agree. This is a great feature. However, having the contact be visually different from the surrounding text would be helpful.
I agree with a visual distinction. I would also like to be able to drag the AB entry from LaunchBar—currently that just places the contact name as regular text (which looks the same as the result from a drag out of AB) but that's probably more to to with LB although it is not the expected behavior for that app (not working for me in Mail, either).

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