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Linking/embedding other OO files Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I use several different OO files to manage a single project. Maybe I shouldn't, but that's another story.

As you can imagine some of the stuff in the different files overlap, and I would love to be able to link to/embed sections of one outline into another. I know OO does not do linkback serving, but I was wondering if something like this was possible between OO files.

OmniOutliner does do Linkback in Version 3.6 (maybe it did it in 3.5 too, I forget), but I'm not sure that this would help.
Thanks for the help.

I just fiddled around a bit, but I couldn't get it to work. I could've sworn that the help file said that OO could be LinkBacked to but not from. I'll keep playing with it, in the meantime has anyone had any experience with Linkback in OO or done anything like what I'm trying to do?

OmniOutliner is a LinkBack client in 3.6, yes. This means you can copy in selections from OmniGraffle, and other LinkBack aware applications and then double-click the attachment in OO to have it open in the right originating application for further editing.

But yeah, it would be cool to have OO be a LinkBack server too. With limited time, we felt that that embedding cool graphs and such in OO was the better first step.
i like much of ooPro after a week of using it, but miss the across-documents linking facility. one selects a text and links to a topic in anoher document. the origin becomes clickable and the end has an icon.
and oh, i too use a number of outlines to get my work done, each with its own layout.
the other notebook feature i like is that clipping is possible from the contextual menu.
Originally Posted by gniman
i like much of ooPro after a week of using it, but miss the across-documents linking facility. one selects a text and links to a topic in anoher document. the origin becomes clickable and the end has an icon.
and oh, i too use a number of outlines to get my work done, each with its own layout.
the other notebook feature i like is that clipping is possible from the contextual menu.
Internal links are something that we're considering for the next major release of OmniOutliner.
you'd ("you" == "Omni Group") have my vote$ for that too!

So I understand, "internal links" would allow me to open another file (for instance another OO file) and edit it/save it as itself. As opposed to "Attaching" a file, since I've just learned that this appears to be an internal copy of a file, not really editable as far as I can tell. I'm totally new at this. (edit: RTFM -> me. duh)

Inserting a "file://" method URL does cause OO to create that action stuff with an exposure triangle that when opened displays what my file URL is (i.e "file://~terryg/Documents/file.oo3" -- alas, when I try to invoke it OOP complains that "file://" is a "bad protocol."

I'm really not discouraged. One file contains data pertinent to itself, another file references that I'll continue referencing it by name, and not by human-pleasing (?) conveniences.

In this case, btw, I'm using a kGTD OOP doc, and I have a task that refers to another standalone OO3 file. Did I say I was new at this?

Having said all that....what's wrong about using ctrl-<drag from Finder> into my OO file? The alias created in the one OO file seems to work just fine at opening the other.

Sorry for the long post. I'm new at *this* too.
I'd vote for internal links or maybe some way of saving a hoist. Need some way of providing a quick link or index for seldom users of a large document.
Hey James, great to hear you guys will be adding internal linking, definitely a feature I'd love to see. Probably even more, I'd like to be able to copy sections of OmniOutliner files into OmniGraffle. OO is great for making my lists and outlines, but when I show them to others, it's nice to break up the text into more presentable layouts or make a slide presentation. But now I have to recopy the text into OG everytime I make an update. OG would make for a great presentation tool for my outlines if OO could be copied into OG and link back.

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