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Quick Entry--not! Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
OK, I'm feeling like an idiot again--and this time about one of the simplest parts of the program.

Quick Entry.

1. ctrl-option-space. The Quick Entry window opens. Off to a good start.

2. I type out a task: Fix lightbulb. It's 6:38 a.m., but my MBP's keyboard lights up, so no problem. I can sorta see what I'm doing.

3. I tab over, type a few letters, and get Housekeeping. OK, sometime later I'll set up a Home Repair project bucket. No problem.

4. I tab over, type "Lo" and the program automatically pops up "Loft" for the context, realize I'm done, so I hit <enter>. And I hit <enter> again. And again.

I get nothing. I'm getting nowhere. The window is not closing. I might still be here tomorrow hitting <enter> over and over and getting nowhere. Not a comforting thought. Not productive in the least.

I try tabbing over to the next field and hitting <enter> there. No luck.

In this weird UI universe I'm now in (not my choice), Quick Entry is no longer that. It's the opposite of that. It's Slow Non-Entry (uh-oh, that sounds vaguely sexual, probably not appropriate for this forum).

Anyway, I finally hit the <Save> button (which worked, but required track pad thumb-to-eye coordination, not something I'm good at when half asleep).

Now I'm greatly perplexed, becase I remember reading once upon a time that our great OMNI team had fixed QE so that <enter> exited and saved, and <esc> cancelled.

Wha' happened?

--Sandy Santra
First, check your preferences to see if the "Return should also save and exit" box is checked.

However, you are right - pressing <enter> doesn't do anything UNLESS you are in the first textfield (title) of Quick entry. If you type a title then press <enter> the action goes into the inbox as desired. But <enter> doesn't work if you are in any other text field, such as start date or context.

Of course you *can* shift-tab from one of these other text fields back to the title and then press <enter>; that works.

Last edited by pvonk; 2007-10-05 at 05:05 AM..
After posting my rant, I found this other discussion with an informative note on the status of this issue:
I have experienced this same annoying feature in recent builds (about the last week). It's more annoying because it didn't used to function this way--<enter> used to confirm a context, project, or date entry, then confirm the whole action and finally create a new line. Now within the regular OF window, I have to succumbed to using Ctl-Cmd-N because tabbing back to the title field so I can use <enter> is even more difficult.

So why the change? I used to be able to activate Quick Entry, type-tab-and-enter very quickly through a bunch of new actions to get everything out of my head, and be done with very little effort.

With this simple, intuitive function taken away I have noticeably reduced my use of OF and revert to writing stuff done on scraps of paper because that's so much easier than the half-functioning Quick Entry.

I love using OF, but this changed function is a major pain in the GTD process of getting things out of your head and recording them easily. Can we get some relief?

Last edited by lujo; 2007-10-05 at 07:01 AM.. Reason: update

I also got this issue and made already two bug reports. The first one probably 4 weeks ago.

So, far no answer.
Outside of Quick Entry--i.e., in a "normal" tasks list window in OF--the <Tab> key *will* keep advancing you through the task and right on into editing the next one, IF there is a subseqent project in the list you're working in. Of course, when you get to the Time field of the last task, that's it--you have to hit <esc> to finish.
Mario and Lujo, thanks for the postings! I have sent another bug report. I'd either get this bug fixed, receive explanation for how it improves the UI, or get a decent workaround.
I miss the old ENTER functionality, too. But you can hit cmd-s to save your item in Quick Entry.
The return/enter behavior is severely broken right now. There hasn't been word from the Omni team whether this broken behavior is now "correct" or in fact a bug that hasn't been fixed yet. It's been around for such a long time now I'm starting to worry.

I recall Ken or someone else at Omni suggesting that this particular issue came about due to a fix for another bug and thus they're reluctant to just "fix it" for fear of the old bug returning, but this behavior is starting to frustrate me to the point of not wanting to add or edit stuff in my "trusted" system.
Originally Posted by sprugman View Post
I miss the old ENTER functionality, too. But you can hit cmd-s to save your item in Quick Entry.
I can see how if you're used to hitting ENTER to save the quick-entry item, this could be frustrating. I found it so, especially since I almost always enter a project and context when using quick entry.

But it turns out you can train yourself to use CMD-S equally easily, and you don't have to take your fingers off the keyboard. Works for me.

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