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Sync via FireWire Directly Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Sorry to add yet another thread on sync and the need to have a .mac sync support for this program to truly be useful. I really like it, but the inability to keep my laptop and desktop sync'd is driving me nuts.

I have been using ChronoSync for sometime now and keep everything else sync'd by mounting in a Client-server relationship. However, when I appearently sync the OF database as listed under preferences, I still end up with two different OF's on the two different computers. The folder I am syncing is ~/library/application Support/OmniFocus/OmniFocus.ofocus.

Any advice?
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "two different OF's"? I use a another program to keep that directory synchronized (unison developed at U. Penn.) and it works fine for me. I believe one of the OmniGroup employees has stated in this forum that he syncs that directory and it works for him.
Sorry, should have been more clear. If I add an action on OF on my MacBook, close OF, Mount my MacBook from my desktop, use ChronoSync to syncronize the above folder, then open OF on my Desktop, nothing has changed. The new action is not on my desktop. I can do the process in reverse and same issue. Is the database saved somewhere else? I did see the Omnigroup post on using ChronoSync that is why I do not understand why it is not working for me.
Thanks if anyone sees the obvious that I am missing.

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