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Wrong Context created in Quick Entry Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I've noticed what I believe might be a bug within OF 1.0.1 but thought I'd check on the forums first.

I have a Context Group called Work People, and then a list of sub-contexts of individuals or businesses that I need to communication tasks with. This works well for me.

Sometime, in the heat of battle, as I'm creating a task I'd like to assign it to someone who I haven't added to me context list before, via the Quick Entry tool. OF lets me do this using the APPLE+RETURN key combination after I type the context. For example, if I want to add a sub context (person) called Fred under Work People I do the following:

1) Type Work People (well, I type WP and its displayed on a list). I hit RETURN to select the entry
2) I then add ": Fred"
3) I type CMD+RETURN to add the context

This adds the context, but rather than adding Fred as a sub-context to Work People it simply and literally as a new "root" context called "Work People : Fred".

Am I doing something wrong here? It's not a major problem, as I simply goto in the Context view, rename "Work People : Fred" to just "Fred" then drag that context under the "Work People" Context group, but it is a little fiddly.

Mike BP
Sub-Context creation is not supported in 1.0.x of OmniFocus.

However, it is planned for 1.1 (and will be available on sneaky-peak versions sooner than that).

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