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Trouble syncing iPod Touch to WebDAV database Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I seem to be having some trouble syncing my iPod Touch to a WebDAV server that I set up on my MacBook Pro. I've verified that the desktop version of OF is successfully syncing to the WebDAV server using 'Goliath', but every time that I attempt to sync the iPod to the server, the iPod just seems to be searching for the database for a few minutes, then I receive the message: "Unable to synchronize database with server. timed out".

***See attached screenshot

Any help or advice in the matter would be most appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	photo.jpg
Views:	1067
Size:	49.1 KB
ID:	607  
It sounds like the iPod isn't even finding the WebDAV. Do you have another computer you can use to check that the WebDAV is accessible? (I assume the Goliath testing was on the laptop that's hosting the WebDAV.)
Hi Lizard,

Good call, I tried using Goliath on another MacBook in the house and it just spun for a while and then crashed. I followed Manas' instructions down to a 'T' and for some reason, it's not working. I'm not new to the Terminal or Unix in general so I don't really understand why this isn't working. Oh well, I've posted on Manas' blog in hopes of getting this straightened out. I'll go back over my config files to make certain that everything is in order. I'll post back with my findings.

Thanks for the fast reply Lizard!

Take care,


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