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Ditching MobileMe... Can I sync directly with my Mac??? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am considering opting out of MobileMe before my credit card gets charged. Is there a way to keep my iPhone and Mac DBs in sync without MobileMe? I don't have another WebDAV service - actually, I'd prefer if my DB was nowhere except on my iPhone and my Mac if possible. I'd be perfectly happy to have them sync only when connected to my Mac (although syncing via my home wireless network would be better).
Hi willhains,

WebDAV is built into Mac OS X Leopard ... more or less.

You can activate WebDAV on your Mac (tutorial: and then sync both your Mac version of OmniFocus and your iPhone version with this WebDAV server.

Hope that helps


P.S.: The tutorial seems to be explicitly for OmniFocus users.

P.P.S.: That will only work over (W)Lan ... I don't think that there's a way of syncing through the sync-cable.
Boris... you are the man!
thanks dude! it works!!
willhains, since this worked for you I am going to try it. but i know zip about sudo. when it says "use sudo to edit this" I am lost. If I figure out sudo is the rest of this easy to do? I am willing to follow the instructions but if you have to be part programmer to do it I am probably in for a mess. thoughts?
The stuff you're doing is a little advanced, but Manas has done a pretty good job of going step-by-step. You sound like the careful sort (having read through everything before diving in) so it ought to be manageable. It wouldn't hurt to make sure you have a good backup of your Mac (Time Machine should suffice) before diving in.

sudo means something like "do this as the super user" where this is whatever command follows it.

There's some additional discussion of that particular step in the comments (particularly comment 31, but also a couple before that).
I followed the manas tutorial to the letter and it worked well. Had everything worked quite well syncing between my MacBook Pro and my iPhone.

Things broke when I went to 1.02 of OmniFocus for iPhone. But I'm not necessarily blaming that on the update. Lizard has been attempting to assist me in this thread. No luck yet, but I'm optimistic.

Caution is the key to following the manas tutorial. I took my time to be sure I didn't cause other problems on my Mac. The terminal is a great thing, and it can totally screw the pooch too if you're not careful.

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