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OmniOutliner: Fastest way to set data in rows, columns or blocks? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Any tips on the "fastest" way to put values into a document? I currently seem to have to loop through and insert values into one cell at a time like so:

(assume a 5 column document--three added to default)

tell application "OmniOutliner" to tell document 1
set theNewRow to make new row at end
repeat with i from 2 to 5
set the value of cell i of theNewRow to "foobar" & i
end repeat
end tell

My understanding is that you can speed things up by reducing the number of Apple Events so I figure that:

tell application "OmniOutliner" to tell document 1
set theNewRow to make new row at end
set the value of every cell of theNewRow to "foobar"
end tell

is probably faster, but I would also like to see a way to set each cell in the row (or column, or block) to a different value. Is there a way to do this? I'm using oo3.

Thanks in advance,
Use "with properties" statements.

See for example Omnifocus2Omnioutliner

or, perhaps more helpfully,


which builds lists of properties before sending them to OmniOutliner.

Last edited by RobTrew; 2008-10-27 at 09:40 AM..
Use "with properties" statements. See for example Omnifocus2Omnioutliner or, perhaps more helpfully, OF2OPML which builds lists of properties before sending them to OmniOutliner.
I looked at both these scripts briefly, and they only partially answer the OP's question. You can make a row and populate the "note" and "topic" cells at the same time, but as "column cells" seem to be elements, but not properties, of a row, it doesn't seem like you can populate anything beyond cell 2 using this technique.

So, is there any faster way?

Best, Charles
Originally Posted by Charles Turner View Post
it doesn't seem like you can populate anything beyond cell 2 using this technique
The columns which can be set through a property list when a row is created are indeed limited to three: State, Topic and Note.

Beyond that, and assuming that all references are fully cached, I would be inclined to test the hypothesis that list assignments extending the following patterns may be a little faster:

tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
	set oRow to item 1 of selected rows of front document
	tell oRow
		set {checked, topic, note} to {true, "new title", "new note"}
		tell cells
			set {value of item 3, value of item 4, value of item 5} to {"Surgery", "Thursday, June 11, 2009 00:00:54", "Wednesday, August 12, 2009 12:00:00"}
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Last edited by RobTrew; 2009-07-28 at 01:59 AM.. Reason: adjusted hypothesis

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