Not sure if others have found a solution to these two problems in scripting the creation of a line connecting two shapes.

- source and destination can apparently not be specified in the make new line property list.
- code-created links between horizontally aligned objects are not horizontal

property pstrArrow : "FilledArrow" property plstRed : {65535, 0, 0} tell application id "OGfl" tell (make new document) tell front canvas -- DISABLE AUTOMATIC LAYOUT set automatic layout of its layout info to false -- GET RELATIVE UNITS set {rX, rY} to page size set rSize to rX / 10 set rDown to rY / 3 set shapeA to make new shape with properties {name:"Circle", origin:{rDown, rDown}, size:{rSize, rSize}} set shapeB to make new shape with properties {name:"Circle", origin:{rDown + (rSize * 1.3), rDown}, size:{rSize, rSize}} -- PROBLEM 1: The following line of code fails ("AppleEvent handler failed") -- set oLine to make new line with properties {source:shapeA, destination:shapeB, stroke color:plstRed, head type:pstrArrow} -- (source and destination can apparently not be specified in the initial property list, before the line has been created, -- Instead we have to create the line and THEN specify source and destination): set oLine to make new line with properties {stroke color:plstRed, head type:pstrArrow} tell oLine set source to shapeA set destination to shapeB end tell -- PROBLEM 2: The above creates a line which does NOT take the shortest (i.e. horizontal) path between the two shapes end tell end tell end tell