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Quick Entry - Feature request Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Would love to see a quick entry feature request.

Part of the request is because it just takes too darn long for Omnifocus to load and launch.

But also I want it because I get a lot of ideas while I'm driving in the car and I'll love to just be able to hit a button, launch quick entry and record an entry - keep in mind I'm driving here so I don't want to enter much I want a lot of default fields that I can then update when I process the item out of the inbox.

I know that there are other apps for the iPhone that do this type of thing but i want to put it in my trusted system and not another application.
Omni added this a while ago, maybe it isn't what you were hoping for.

Launch the iPhone application.
You'll notice the inbox icon at the bottom is lit.
You can tap on the inbox item and add an entry while the app is loading.

This is an impressive feature in my opinion.
That's not exactly what I was looking for.

What I want is
  1. Launch Quick Entry
  2. Action has default title that I can skip
  3. Giant - Record button so it's hard to miss
  4. Record my action
  5. Exit.

Remember, I'm driving a car here. :)
Uh..... I'd rather not be fiddling with it while I'm driving. I think you'd better switch to using a digital audio recorder. It's safer.

I have an audio recording option on my cellphone. I use that to capture thoughts and then transcribe it to OmniFocus.

Maybe there could be an option on the iPhone to record audio and tag it as the current date and time.

Driving and texting will be a dangerous feat. Heck, some states are considering banning texting while driving (if they haven't passed that law already).

I also have a large notepad where I can scribble in large chicken scratch writing until I can safely park and enter it into OmniFocus.

Please, for everybody's safety, don't text and drive!
I agree with pneill in that I would like to have the option of recording into omnifocus easily for those times when you have the least amount of time to fiddle with your phone (like driving for example). I've emailed the ninjas asking for some kind of setting that would allow you to customize what happens with the New Entry button, like going directly to a recording, or camera, or text.

Since I've never seen anyone else mention a feature like this I figured I was in the minority... Guess not!
I use Evernote to capture Audio while I am driving.

It has a large capture screen, but is the same amount of steps to capture an item to the inbox.

But the main reason I use Evernote for audio capture is when I am reviewing new items, the audio is embedded into the 'action'. When reviewing audio items in the OmniBus inbox I have to:
• select action
• reveal the note
• double click on audio file
• play in quicktime
• close quicktime

I've put in a request to OmniFocus to embed the audio into the note of the action. If that was done, I would be using OF for my audio capture.

I suppose it would be nice to have two big buttons to record audio.

Another solution some use is a service called Jot. You dial a number on your cell phone, record a message, it is transcribed into text and emailed to you. Some of the downsides are:
• it's transcribed by a person in India (information not private)
• the transcription isn't always accurate
• there is a fee involved

Here is a thread about this same topic:
Thanks for the tips on Evernote, which I like, but I don't use it enough to remember when there are notes in there I want to work on. Plus, notes don't seem to link to omnifocus, so for the most part I don't rely on evernote.

I tried Jott, but all the setup required before entering your note (open Phone app, click Jott from Favorites, wait for an answer, tell it who you wanted to jott, then speak) caused me more often than not to forget what I was going to say! Maybe that's just a personal problem. ;-)

I ended up using Note2Self because it will automatically email voicenotes once you stop recording. My email inbox is the only other place I consistently look to for new Tasks, so this works out okay.

I just figured that if omnifocus was going to have a voice recording feature, I would want access to it asap, not fiddling around looking for it.

Like people from the thread you linked to, I tend to only use voice entry when I'm in a hurry, and I'll classify it when I get back to my desktop.

Thanks for that link; it's interesting to see how differently people process things...

Last edited by chriswitt; 2009-02-11 at 09:11 AM..
Ha! Now that's funny - just got to the part of the other discussion where you tried out note2self as well.
Originally Posted by wilsonng View Post
Driving and texting will be a dangerous feat. Heck, some states are considering banning texting while driving (if they haven't passed that law already).
Welcome to California! We're not allowed to talk on cell phones while driving either.

Of course, since January, I've seen at least three police officers talking on cell phones while driving. I guess they get some kind of special training at the academy that makes them more resistant to distractions than other Californians. ;-)

Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
Welcome to California! We're not allowed to talk on cell phones while driving either.
That's not quite an accurate statement, as much as I might wish otherwise!

California Vehicle Code [VC] §23123 says you can't handhold a cell phone while driving. If you are 18 or over, you may use a hands-free device.

California Vehicle Code [VC] §23124 says those under 18 may not use a cell phone while driving, hands-free device or not.

California Vehicle Code [VC] §23123.5 prohibits drivers of any age from writing, sending, or reading text-based communication on a device such as a cell phone.


Of course, since January, I've seen at least three police officers talking on cell phones while driving. I guess they get some kind of special training at the academy that makes them more resistant to distractions than other Californians. ;-)
Don't get me started on the apparent unwillingness of CA police officers to follow the same laws they are supposed to uphold :mad:

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