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Tags / Metadata in 1.7 ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
After trying out practically all the GTD apps out there, I have realized that I need the following features to fit my workflow fully.

1. Nested projects.
2. iPhone client with sync.
3. Tags / multiple contexts.
4. Lack of bugs.

Each of the apps I tried, seems to lack one of 1, 2 or 3.
Things needs to fix bugs and get nested projects.
Taskpaper and THL needs to get an iphone client.

So at the moment, I am just moving from one app to another.

I spotted the large thread on tags in this forum, and I was wondering if tags is planned in the next major release (1.7 or 1.8)? Is there an ETA? Tags in OF would end my search for a GTD app.

No official word on this?
Originally Posted by shishk View Post
No official word on this?
These forums are intended primarily for users to communicate with each other, and are read (and answered) by Omni personnel on an as-available basis. To make an official feature request which will be considered when they plan the contents of the next release, use Help->Send Feedback or send email to

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