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Blank metadata Purge? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I finally got an iPod touch and have moved all my outline/lists from the old Palm Brainforest app to OmniFocus via OmniOutliner.

I wanted to make as clean of a start as possible, but my imported files all have metadata attachments that are essentially blank. It looks like this:

Metadata: completion: 100%
Metadata: priority: 1
Metadata: type: Action

All my old files were collapsable lists, with no metadata. Is there a way to purge all the blank metadata from OF projects?

The Help file... doesn't.
Yours seems like a fairly unique migration path, so I'm not surprised the Help documentation doesn't address it.

I'm not entirely clear what you mean by "metadata attachments". Do you mean that the notes of the items in OmniFocus have the "Metadata" text you listed?

If so, I can think of two likely ways to purge text. One would be on the export from Brainforest. Is it possible to tell it not to include that information? The other likely approach is to use Applescript to delete the Metadata lines from the notes. If you want to pursue that approach, I'd suggest posting to the OmniFocus Extras forum. The AppleScripters hang out there and someone might have a ready solution.

Originally Posted by Mr. Reeee View Post
I finally got an iPod touch and have moved all my outline/lists from the old Palm Brainforest app to OmniFocus via OmniOutliner.

I wanted to make as clean of a start as possible, but my imported files all have metadata attachments that are essentially blank. It looks like this:

Metadata: completion: 100%
Metadata: priority: 1
Metadata: type: Action

All my old files were collapsable lists, with no metadata. Is there a way to purge all the blank metadata from OF projects?

The Help file... doesn't.
Why not just eliminate the offending columns in OmniOutliner before doing the import? I believe I submitted a feature request at one point that the import dialog in OmniFocus give you an option to discard the data in a given column, but it hasn't been implemented. Just click on the column heading and then hit the delete key and the column will vanish in a puff of virtual smoke.

Curt, when you do an import from OmniOutliner, you get a dialog box that allows you to map which OmniFocus fields get which columns. One of the choices is "metadata", and you'll get the contents of those fields stuffed into the Notes field as shown above.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Curt, when you do an import from OmniOutliner, you get a dialog box that allows you to map which OmniFocus fields get which columns. One of the choices is "metadata", and you'll get the contents of those fields stuffed into the Notes field as shown above.
Ah, thanks for the clarification, Bill. I made the migration from OO in the pre-importer days.


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