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Unable to sync using WebDAV-error code (403) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've been working on this for several hours now with no success. As other threads have suggested, I've opened an account with swissdisk, but have not been able to initiate an initial sync with either my mac, or iphone.

Just cancelled mobileme and am anxious to resume syncing OF between my devices. Can someone give me some suggestions or point me to a thread that gives specific steps. I've scanned most of the threads relating to this issue and have not found anything specific to get me passed this problem.

the complete error code states:
Unable to perform WebDAV operation
The disk returned "fobidden" (403) in response to reqeust to "MKCOL/4louiei/OmniFocus.ofocus-copy-in-progress-a-EjHfQnQlm"

I'm entering my swissdisk unsername and password as requested and receiving the error code above.

Also, is dropbox an acceptable alternative as long as you sync before switching to another device (ie. from mac to phone)?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Last edited by 4louie; 2010-01-25 at 11:30 AM..
Dropbox doesn't do WebDAV, so it is useless to you if you need to sync an iPhone with a Mac.

Call up the Omni support ninjas (1-800-315-OMNI or 1-206-523-4152) and they should be able to help you get syncing again. Hindsight always has 20-20 vision and all that, but I would have gotten sync working before canceling MobileMe!
Thanks for the quick response and suggestion whpalmer4. I called OF and they got back to me right away and one of their sharp ninjas helped get my sync's set up for Mac and iPhone through a free account at

Got everything synced and up and running in 5 minutes! I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly they responded and helped me out! 5 out of 5 stars!!!

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