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Delete paragraph from rich text Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

This is actually an applescript problem, but Omnifocus related.

I like to delete a line (paragraph) from a task's note. Here is the method:

on removeTotal(myNote)
set myLines to paragraphs of myNote
repeat with i from (count myLines) to 1 by -1
if item i of myLines contains mySpentMark then
tell myNote to delete paragraph i
end if
end repeat
end removeTotal
tell myNote to delete paragraph i

is the line that doesn't work. I get the message: "The note as text" doesn’t understand the delete message.

I tried quite a number of syntax variations, this one I took from a TextEdit example. The rich text class understands delete, is myNote not a rich text anymore? But it understands paragraphs !?

Here is the complete script:

Thanks for any hint!

I found the error by myself. The set-command somehow converted the note. I passed the container of the note to the event and it works:

	on removeTotal(myContainer)
		set myLines to paragraphs of note of myContainer
		set myCount to count of myLines
		repeat with i from myCount to 1 by -1
			if item i of myLines contains mySpentMark then
				tell note of myContainer to delete paragraph i
			end if
		end repeat
	end removeTotal

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