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what's the difference between an OF Archive file and an OF Backup file Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am thinking about removing my someday/future lists from my main OF database to help make it smaller (and hopefully help keep me more focused and organized).

I started moving them to a text/taskpaper file, but the "Export to Plain Text (Taskpaper)" option leaves a lot to be desired (there is a lot of clean up afterwards, especially with not having line breaks between a tasks notes and the next task!). I have decided against going this route.

My current idea is moving them all into another OF database which I can open up periodically (with a reminder from my active OF database, of course). What I would like to know is what is the difference between a ".ofocus-archive" and ".ofocus-backup" file? Both can be opened concurrently with the main database and I can drag items back and forth between the two, which is what I'd be doing with my someday/future items. Is one preferred over the other as far as making it a usable database file?

Or could I just make another ".ofocus" file (not backup or archive) with a different name and do the same thing? Is this a bad thing to do?

Has anyone else tried this? How does it work from both an organizational and a technological point of view?

Thanks for any insights,
Structurally, I don't believe there's any difference between the three. It just helps differentiate the different purposes they're intended for.

I know opening/editing multiple .ofocus and -backup files is something the app design takes into account and supports. I'm not aware of any negative effects caused by having multiple -archive files open or editing them, but I can't be sure that we took that possibility into account when designing the app.

I'd stick with one of the former two types of file, but only because I'm paranoid like that. :-)

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