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How to move a group of tasks? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi there I have a group of tasks (about 8). they are child tasks of the group. when i try and drag the whole group in the chart the whole group doesnt move, maintaining its duration. instead the start point moves and the end point stays fixed until a certain point and then the whole, shorter duration, group moves as a group. this isnt going to work because it messes up the start and end points of the tasks in the group.

when i expand the group to see all the tasks so i can see whats happening here, some of the tasks move with the drag and some stay still. the ones that move are set to "start as early as possible" the other are set to another option i cant remember off the top of my head. i never set these options in the properties (they must be defaults). anyway, when i set them all to "start as early as possible" it works better but still the whole group doesnt move as a group.

how do i move a whole group of tasks without disturbing the task durations? i have one group i want to copy and paste and then drag to start at the end of the first one.

I *think* I follow what you're trying to do, provide more detail if my suggestions seem irrelevant.

1) As soon as you drag the start date of a task, it automatically changes from "as early as possible" to "on scheduled date". So if a task is "on scheduled date", it will try not to move as a result of other changes, like moving the group it is in.

2) If you want group 2 to start when group 1 ends, the best way to do this is to leave all your tasks "as early as possible" and create a finish->start dependency from group 1 to group 2. Then even if group 1 gets delayed a bit, group 2 will update with it.

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