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Inbox Items go straight to Misc box.. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi everyone, I just got Omnifocus for Mac today had a few questions regarding it.

I was a long time Things user but am jumping ship since there is no OTA sync and it is too simple. I ran an AppleScript to move all my Things tasks and Logbook into Omnifocus and am trying my best to reorganize it.

1. When I create a new action for my INbox it automatically goes into the Library folder's Misc box. How do I keep the items in the Inbox?

2. When I imported from Things to Omnifocus some tasks were stuck in a Misc folder that wouldn't allow me to move the tasks inside individually into the Inbox. I am only able to let it stay put in the Inbox if it remains in the Misc folder.

Thank you for taking the time!
Go to the OmniFocus Preferences, Data panel, and look at what is set in the uppermost section. It sounds like you may have it set so that only a context is needed before the action is swept out of the Inbox. I prefer the "both a project and a context" setting so that actions don't leave the Inbox until they are completely specified.
this is what it shows:

What do I need to change?

Last edited by ohla313; 2011-06-11 at 01:30 PM..
Change the first setting (Clean Up Inbox items which have: Either a Project or a Context) if you want it to keep items there until they have both a project and a context.
How would I be able to have all actions default to remain in the Inbox and move items into the Inbox without being automatically moved?

Sorry I'm very new to this.
Ok I figured it out and managed to get the Inbox to keep the items there. Sorry for my misunderstanding. But when I move items from the misc section to the inbox this occurs:

Another thing is that I'd like to move all completed items in my "Single ACtions" project into stand alone items. How would I do that?
If you set it to require both a project and a context, items you put in the Inbox will stay there until you have assigned both. Even once you have assigned both a project and a context, you'll still have to either manually do a clean-up (via cmd-K or the toolbar button) or change to a different view before they will be swept off to their ultimate destination.

If you set the preference as suggested, you can move items back to the Inbox from your Misc container by selecting the actions, bringing up the inspector with cmd-shift-I (or clicking the toolbar button), and setting the Project back to Inbox (should be at the top of the list).

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