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Strange behavior when viewing context perspective of parallel project Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have a parallel project with 3 actions. When I flag all 3 actions and view it in context mode the actions are suddenly in a different order. The first action, which is still colored in purple, is at the bottom.

I then created a new project with the same 3 actions and the order in context view is the same as in project view, as it should be.

Anybody else noticed this strange behavior that Omnifocus sometimes displays actions in context view in a different order compared to project view?

Last edited by enigma2k; 2012-11-18 at 03:19 PM..
Well, what do you have for your sort order in the context view?
I've set the sort order to "Project", but changing it didn't make a difference.
Why don't you try File->Rebuild Database and see if that makes the issue go away? It is certainly true that there are combinations of settings and data which will provide the behavior you initially reported, but I can't see any way that it would be correct if you are sorting by project and are ungrouped.
Thank you! rebuilding the database solved the issue. This was the first time I have done this, so maybe rebuilding the database once in a while is a good idea.
I think the operation done when you use that command is also done whenever you install a new version of OmniFocus.

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