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Swimlane diagrams? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm trying to create a rather complex swimlane process diagram. I didn't find a ready template or any "wizard" as in MS Visio.

It's relatively easy to create a simple swimlane diagram by first creating lanes and then dragging the process elements on top of them. However, the lanes created by this manner don't automatically resize when the elements within them grow or shrink (f.ex. process forks to two parallel tasks within the same lane). Also reorganizing them is a pain in the butt, as I can't just drag and drop the whole lane, but I have to select the lane and all of its elements before moving it.

Any pointers or hints? Or will this be on the "next release"? :)
That would be a great feature. (that and the automatic numbering of
flowchart symbols so that you can refer to them in a separate document).
I just made several pages and resizing the lines and numbering the elements
was a real pain.
Hi new user here. I thought I saw a swim lane tool or template but now I can't find it. Thanks so much.
I was looking for Swim Lane tools/templates yesterday myself. I didn't find anything, but if you have the Pro Version, you can convert from Visio. Google "Visio Swim Lane" for a starting point.
Where are the Swim Lanes Omni? They are not in the standard Stencil packs. I didn't find them in the extras or on your Omnitopia page.

Swim Lanes are key for any Management Consultant. It looks like your product is more geared towards designers and programmers, which is a huge disappointment.

From what I can see, Swim Lanes are a feature a lot of people have been asking about.
  • Here's a link where someone claims that another Omni product (Omniplan) uses Swim Lanes, but that Omnigraffle doesn't include them
  • Here's a link where someone says to Google for a VSD and use that. (Is this for real?)
If what you need is swim lanes and only swim lanes, OmniPlan is going to work much better for your needs. Looks like the "Swim Lanes" request was first filed back in 2006 - since then, we've gotten <20 customer requests.

The items at the top of the most-requested list have about five times as many customers attached. In the case of the item at the top of that list, the request is actually much younger - it was first filed in 2010.

We try to prioritize the most popular changes as much as possible, so our updates help as many customers as possible. This would be a fine thing to add to OmniGraffle someday, but at the moment, customers are telling us there are other things they'd like to see added first. Hope that makes things more understandable!
Originally Posted by rlieving View Post
Swim Lanes are key for any Management Consultant. It looks like your product is more geared towards designers and programmers, which is a huge disappointment.

From what I can see, Swim Lanes are a feature a lot of people have been asking about.
Please add another vote for swimlane functionality in Omnigraffle. If we are to set OG up as an alternative to Visio, it should at least have comparable capabilities.
Originally Posted by marktatham View Post
Please add another vote for swimlane functionality in Omnigraffle. If we are to set OG up as an alternative to Visio, it should at least have comparable capabilities.
I am really surprised that Omnigraffle doesn't have swim lanes. Please count my vote for this fundamental feature.

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