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Size of .oo3 file after WebDAV export Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I set up a WebDAV server on my laptop to facilitate the moving around of files between my MBP and iPad. To test it out, I exported the Omni-supplied iPad "Books" document to WebDAV.

All went fine, but the size of the file after the export was 6.5GB (!), although I did not notice any significant decrease in available size remaining on my hard drive. I then copied the file to the Desktop where it showed up as being about 20KB.

A test with a small Pages document resulted in a file size of 300KB.

Certainly the exported iPad file is not 6.5 GB, but why the false reading? This is really a curious thing and I'm wondering if anyone has encountered anything similar to this.
I've noticed that as well, but I think it is a Finder bug having to do with WebDAV volumes. If you export a file from one of the Omni apps, the size comes out ridiculous, though the Finder correctly tallies the number of actual bytes. If you drag copy the file to the Desktop, the new copy on the Desktop appears correct, but if you then rename it and drag it back to the WebDAV volume, it goes back to the enormous reported size. It isn't just Omni files, either; I tried copying a small application to my OSS volume and got the same result.

Don't know if this got fixed in Lion or not.
Thanks for the this. Now I at least know this isn't anything I caused when setting up my WebDAV server. (I'm still on 10.6.8 and also don't know if this is fixed in Lion.)

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