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Crop Image script Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Like Lee, I am also amazed that this utterly obvious feature is still absent, and that there have been 3 years' worth of more important things to work on. Cropping in Omnigraffle frustrates me almost every single time I use it, for the last 3 years. Anyone who has ever imported a bitmap into Omnigraffle (most users I'm sure) would be frustrated by the existing implementation. I guess most people don't send in feature requests :(

And every time a new Omnigraffle update comes out, the only revisions – I read them all, every time – are things which have never affected me.
I agree with your statements. I will send an email right now.
Thanks for the agreement folks ...

I thought it was just me. I think that maybe seasoned users would just know of this limitation and prepare the graphics prior to importing to OG. But lets face it, that takes way too long when working with tons of screen captures like I do.

These days I can't imagine a graphics app that can't crop an element. It's kind of assumed really ... every word processor, slideshow, video editor, image tool, even my generic text reader/editor can do it!

It is frustrating when an app's power users get most of the update attention. It's natural I suppose, they probably make the most requests. But it leads to apps getting harder to use for the larger user base who probably remain silent. Look at Microsoft Office ... it's incredibly feature heavy now, but trying to make a basic table is still hopeless. Excel is worse.

Once this state is reached, even asking for help becomes aggravating. Answers (though probably technically correct) evolve into advice on how to write scripts, expressions, macros and multilevel boolean searches!

As light user of OmniGraffle (though I can't work without it ) updates scare me ;-) Occasionally things just seem to get harder to use compared to years ago. I'm know it's more powerful ... but somewhere along the line the idea of simply connecting shapes and images together started to get obscured by layers of ... er... layers and inspectors and modifier keys.

Still a great tool .... maybe it just needs a "Stupid" mode for me!


Originally Posted by Brian View Post
We generally prioritize our work on the basis of the number of folks who are sending in the request, rather than absolute age.

This is one of the things that's under consideration for inclusion in a future version of the app, but there are a number of other outstanding requests with more customers attached. As well as a number of other requests that would be on that list if we hadn't already added them over the last three years. :-)

That said, I'll attach your post to the item on a Crop tool in our development database, so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added, too. Thanks!
Please add me to the list of folks strongly lobbying for cropping abilities.

I'd also like the crop tool to be implemented as a collection of any number of straight line segments, not merely a rectangle or oval.

Finally, the ability to scale the cropped image would be essential.

Thanks very much.
Originally Posted by tomk52 View Post
Please add me to the list of folks ...
Unfortunately, posting here isn't a route to that.

You would need to send a quick note through Help > Send Feedback ...
I am also amazed that this utterly obvious feature is still absent, and that there have been 3 years' worth of more important things to work on. Cropping in Omnigraffle frustrates me almost every single time I use it, for the last 3 years. Anyone who has ever imported a bitmap into Omnigraffle (most users I'm sure) would be frustrated by the existing implementation. I guess most people don't send in feature requests :(
another +1 here, i.e. a paying customer who wants this feature prioritized.

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