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Count me in as well. I've had to produce timelines manually in OG and it is very timeconsuming. A more automated approach would be incredibly useful.

It's always painful for me to draw timeline with Omni. The only thing I used to do is to switch to MS Visio in vmware to draw a timeline in few seconds and then copy the diagram back to Mac for further editing.

I personally believe it's definitely not a difficult job for Omni to do it. Should be some priority things that need to be dealt by Omni product/project management system.

However, if it can't fulfill me with the timeline feature (after so many feature requests from Omni users I've ever seen), I'd doubt I can get this feature in the next few years.

I purchased Omni already but I am seeking the other tool. For now in my daily work in enterprise, MS Visio is still irreplaceable.
I would like to cast my vote for a Timeline tool or plug-in to OmniGraffle.
I created a basic stencil to help get some one started. It's a quick attempt and I'll update with a new version once I work out what's best. I posted it on graffletopia. I can't post a link here yet because this is my first post. Add /stencils/931/ to the graffletopia domain.
Originally Posted by Hutch View Post
My Windows colleagues also frequently use the Gantt stuff in Visio to product gantt-type timelines. Is there any OmniGraffle options for this?
For Gantt charts I would use OpenProject - a surprisingly feature rich Microsoft Project clone. It makes managing tasks, their relationships to each other and durations really easy. And it's free as well as cross platform (Mac and Windows). It even does a reasonably good job of opening and saving MS project files - granted my project files area pretty straightforward as I primarily use it to manage my tasks, their relationships/dependencies and durations. I don't try to do resource allocation or other stuff that tends to get people frustrated with Project - but at first look OpenProject seems to have all that stuff too...

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