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FAQ: Installing & running an OF applescript Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Runnging MacOS 10.6.8, OF 1.10.3.

Followed directions in initial post (on this thread) as precisely as I could, no 'Scripts' menu appears in OF (if that's what's supposed to happen...?) even after MacOS reboot. Customized Toolbar: can't find a way to make this work.

I've also put a script ( Clear Dates.scpt from -- can't post the url 'cause I'm a new registrant ) into into ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/Scripts (which the documentation post doesn't mention), still not working (also after reboot).

Frustrating. Experienced Linux & MacOS server sysadmin + software developer here. Not a "newbie" user. Why is this so hard?

Last edited by hydrostarr; 2012-09-05 at 07:16 PM..
The instructions work. You do have to follow them exactly, and one easy way to screw up is by switching applications before the Open Scripts Folder step — it opens (and creates, if necessary) a folder specific to the active application when the menu is invoked, so if you've switched to the Finder, for example, you won't get the OmniFocus folder created.

The Scripts menu is not a menu with the label "Scripts" on it — rather, it looks like a little partly unrolled scroll:

It does not appear with the application's menus, but over on the right side of your menu bar. Open Applescript Editor, open the preferences, and click on the checkbox for Show Script menu in menu bar repeatedly while watching the menu bar. You'll see it appear and disappear. Once it has appeared, launch OmniFocus. While in OmniFocus, go to the Script menu and select Open Scripts Folder > Open OmniFocus Scripts Folder. This will create your scripts folder for OmniFocus in the correct place. The correct place for 10.6.8 is not the path you mentioned, btw, but rather ~/Library/Scripts/Applications/OmniFocus.

No need for rebooting to get any of this to work.
Can I assign a keyboard shortcut to a script? If so, how?
I would use KeyBoard Maestro or Fastscripts.

(The latter is free for up to 10 keystroke assignments)

Either the forum software has a glitch this morning, or my account permissions have been reset – I am no longer allowed to add hyperlinks – but you should be able to find both quickly enough.

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