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Saving file as not a template Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello All,
OO3 in Mavericks.
Hitting NEW and choosing a template file I created.
Adding stuff to this new file.
Go to FILE and click on SAVE gives me the same file with a OO3.OO3.TEMPLATE extension.
Going to FILE doesn't give me the choice to SAVE AS. I do get DUPLICATE. This gives me a new copy of the same file with the TEMPLATE extension.
Tried RENAMING in the little window at the top of the screen. Still can't get rid of the TEMPLATE extension.

Short of find the file in the finder, what are my options?

Thanks, Scott
If you click on the filename shown at the top of the window it will open an interface to rename the file. If the file extension doesn't show there, then you have the extension set to be hidden in Finder. Other options would be to command-click on the same place (the filename) and this will open a menu showing you the folder hierarchy the file is stored in. You can click on the top menu to open that folder in Finder to quickly reach the file. You can also use File > Export and export to the OmniOutliner 3 format, however, you seem to have multiple extensions so fixing this in Finder or through the rename interface is probably the best option.

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