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Android users - how do you manage? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just bought a Galaxy Note 2, because of true pen integration. That feature alone is making me switch.

I use iPad and Mac, but iPhone just does not cut it.
Originally Posted by Ron1n View Post
I have all 3 versions of OF (iPhone, iPad and Mac) but I have converted to Android so need a replacement. I've tried a few but narrowed it down to Astrid and Any.Do. But my needs are quite simple.

All that said, if Apple opened up its OS a bit more I'd be back in a flash and the main reason would be OF. In fact, if I return to iOS it will be 90% because of OF.

Edited (finally): pathetic spelling :)
I don't understand what is meant by "being more open." Could you better explain what it means?

I'm guessing you may be mixing the term "being more open" with "more customizable"?

I sometimes hear that being "more open" means to introduce even more apps or hacks that do all kinds of things to a person's smartphone. But I'm not really very interested in hacks and cute screensavers. I just want to get my work done on my iPad or iPhone and be done with it.

Sure there are things I'd like such as a built-in SD card slot for memory expansion on the iPad/iPhone but I'm willing to live with its limitations and conceive different ways of getting things done. We all live within the limits of each ecosystem. That's just a fact of life.

Last edited by wilsonng; 2012-12-04 at 03:44 AM..
I've been experimenting with todo.txt lately. Syncs with dropbox. Been helping another OF/Android user test out an applescript he wrote to partially sync the todo.txt file with OF (it will add new items to OF and mark items you marked completed in todo.txt completed in your main OF database).

While it's not perfect for a variety of reasons, it has the virtue of keeping you working with more or less the same universe of data. It also keeps the data out of a proprietary format other than OF's.

In addition, the client for windows isn't bad and also syncs with dropbox. So if you also work on a windows box, it gives you a way to access that info there too.

The UI of these apps won't make you forget OF. But they are a start.

I've also been using wunderlist a bit for more personal errands type tasks. Because you can share tasks lists with other, this is helpful for lists that my sweetie and I are working on together.

I've been using this great applescript by OF user William McKeehan to sync a perspective with the todo.txt app for android:

Todo.txt doesn't present the info in the nicest fashion visually, but you get most of the important stuff and you can filter by project/context, flagged, etc. It also has dropbox sync built-in, so any time you do a sync, it will update the todo.txt file and push the newest info to your phone.

If you are running an android device that has 4.0 or greater on it, there's another app called simpletask, which is a fork of todo.txt with holo theming and a few other goodies. It's currently free too, whereas todo.txt is $1.99.

If you mark an action item completed in todo.txt, the script will mark it as complete in omni when you run it and sync. If you create new items in todo.txt, the script will also add these times to omni. If you specify a project/context, etc., this stuff will also get added.

Todo.txt has a simple syntax for entering items, because it's a plain text task management app (the syntax is similar to taskpaper). Projects get a + in front of them. contexts get an @.

If you have flagged items, they come into todo.txt as a context called @flagged.

The script also automatically replaces spaces in any OF context or project with underscores, so that todo.txt can properly parse each line item for contexts and projects. Going back in the other direction, the script removes the underscores for you.

All in all, it's not a bad way to go, as it also has the added benefit of making your todo items available on a windows machine via dropbox and a program like (actually, because the file is plain text, you can look at your todo items using any text editor or maybe even a web browser in a pinch).

If there's a downside other than the look of the items themselves in the todo.txt app, it's that the script can be a little slow.

But at least for me, that hasn't been a huge issue. You might be able to automate the syncing with a hazel rule if you're into that. If so, it might make sense to add a script step at the end of AS that closes OF, unless you want it to just stay open all the time on one of your machines.

Last edited by kingsinger; 2013-02-14 at 05:33 PM..
Another option is MyLifeOrganized. It's what OF replaced for me when I moved from Windows to OS X.

MLO runs on Windows, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Pocket PC. There is no OSX version, which is a bummer. But it runs well in a VM and also in an emulator like Wine or Crossover.

I went back to using MLO when I decided to go with an Android Smartphone rather than an iPhone. I looked high and low for a way to get OF and Android to work together in a satisfactory way. The scripts (already mentioned in prior replies) to sync to Todo.txt was about the best option I found for sticking with OF and syncing with Android.
I just found this on Google Play.

Only lets you send tasks, but it's been working well for me. There's some small bugs, but otherwise it's an alright option, especially considering it's free without ads. I think the developer just recently posted it, so I'm hoping they'll fix them soon.
I’ve tried all these ideas.Send to Omnifocus, Spootnik, emailing tasks to myself, Nozbe and a ton others.

I finally broke down and bought an iPod touch. I just love my android so much. But I need something always with me for the tasks. So the iPod touch is light and won’t add much more weight to my purse.

I’m still not sure how this will turn out, using 2 devices. I’ll report back.

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