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Omnifocus to Omnioutliner (including columns) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Thanks for that Rob. I tend to send the listings out in a single report so that everyone gets an idea as to what's going on as well as in their own projects.

Within OF-AQL, I've set the delimiter to a pipe character, played with the format for dates and ensured that the first, element of a line is surrounded by '**' and now I think I've got it pretty much to how I want it.

Turned into an Alfred extension, I now get a report of my active projects, weekly completed actions and now active, scheduled and agenda items for all team members in a lovely Markdown file with a couple of keystrokes.

Having said that, I like the mail option you just posted for quick updates. I must say that I find your OF-AQL and WhereInOF scripts much more useful than the default search, even without the added scriptability.

Last edited by Finlay Boo; 2012-03-19 at 03:14 PM..
Originally Posted by Finlay Boo View Post
Turned into an Alfred extension, I now get a report of my active projects, weekly completed actions and now active, scheduled and agenda items for all team members in a lovely Markdown file with a couple of keystrokes.
Sounds good ...

(and a reminder of how useful Markdown can be)
Is this script still available? The links I found in the thread did not work.
Yes, Apple decommissioned all of the old MobileMe links.

You should now find it here.
Thanks Rob!
I find myself in need of a way to export to OmniOutlinerPro and this script looks like the bomb. Any update to where this script is located?
I have an old copy of the script's source, but since the release of OmniOutliner 4, it's no longer working.

Unfortunately, I am not into AppleScript and I'm unable to fix the now broken script. I tried to replace every instance of
application "OmniOutliner Professional"
application id "com.omnigroup.OmniOutliner4"
(I saw that in But: no luck. :-(
I had selected some rows in my overcrowded OF inbox, run the script, OO4 opens a new window, but then nothing happens.

Has anybody already adapted OF2OO for the new OO4 world?

This is another excellent reason to keep a copy of OO3 around. OO4 won't open old MORE3 files, either.
Originally Posted by cents View Post
I have an old copy of the script's source, but since the release of OmniOutliner 4, it's no longer working.


Has anybody already adapted OF2OO for the new OO4 world?
There's an updated script over in the Reusable approach to exporting from OF thread. It works with OmniOutliner 4, and is more flexible in that it lets you copy from Project or Context view.

If you have any trouble with it, let us know!

(By the way, OmniOutliner 4 has added support for scripting attachments, so it should now be possible to copy those as well—but I don't think anyone has updated the script to do that yet.)

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