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Sorting Columns Not Working Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I am trying to sort columns by clicking on the column titles; however, clicking on the column titles does not work.

For example, I want to sort by DUE date. Unfortunately, the tasks do not reorganize themselves based on DUE date.

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 12.46.34 PM.jpg
Views:	6112
Size:	18.1 KB
ID:	2980

Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 12.45.52 PM.jpg
Views:	5887
Size:	17.5 KB
ID:	2979


Last edited by shanekeller; 2014-02-19 at 11:49 AM.. Reason: Making it clearer
If you are in project view, it will sort the *projects* by due date, not the individual actions. Actions have a fixed order within a project.
Looking at a context view perspective right now , grouping is " ungrouped" sorting is by " due " but an item due today at 3pm is at the top of the list ahead of a bunch of items that were due earlier this month, that doesn't seem right ?
I love Omnigroup software, but I am annoyed by this. This seems like a simple thing to enable (forgive me if I'm wrong). It has made my task list difficult more than once.

Can you please provide an explanation as to why this is not possible. An explanation that does not involve telling us how "you think" we should use your software. I think I've read that was your line of logic somewhere else on these forums and I find that a rather obnoxious answer.

Why would it be trouble to allow a temporary sort within a project so we could see things that way when needed?
Originally Posted by Brenno View Post
Why would it be trouble to allow a temporary sort within a project so we could see things that way when needed?
Does it help to switch to context mode, group by project, and sort by due date?

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