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AppleScript to sync and then quit? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am trying to get OmniFocus to sync and then quit itself once it has finished syncing.

Somewhere along the way I found this AppleScript to tell OmniFocus to sync:
	osascript << EOI
	if application "OmniFocus" is running then
		tell application "OmniFocus"
			synchronize front document
		end tell
	end if
However, I noticed that AppleScript seems to just tell OmniFocus to do that, but it 'returns' before the sync is actually finished.

1. Is there a way to tell OmniFocus to "Sync and Then Quit" using AppleScript, and if so, how?

2. Am I correct that if I choose 'Quit' from OmniFocus' menu, and it needs to sync first, it will attempt to do so before quitting?

(If the answer to #2 is yes then I don't really need an answer to #1, except out of curiosity.)
Originally Posted by luomat View Post
1. Is there a way to tell OmniFocus to "Sync and Then Quit" using AppleScript, and if so, how?
OmniFocus automatically waits for syncing to finish before quitting, so you the app to sync and then quit, and it will wait for the*sync to finish:

tell application "OmniFocus"
end tell
But presumably this is academic, since…

2. Am I correct that if I choose 'Quit' from OmniFocus' menu, and it needs to sync first, it will attempt to do so before quitting?
Yes, if OmniFocus has any edits on the local device which it hasn't already synchronized (which it normally does within 2 minutes), it will automatically try to synchronize them before it exits.
Fantastic! Thanks for the info.

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