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Review perspective - create separate work and personal Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I’ve been looking through the various threads and I can’t find a way to separate my work and personal reviews. I have my OmniFocus set up so that all of my general/personal projects are in the Library, then there is a separate folder for “Work,” a separate folder for “Templates” (that is always on hold) and a separate folder for "side business." I want to find a way to exclude the Work folder when I review the Library, Templates, and Side Business folders--I am trying to separate business and personal as much as possible, and their respective reviews take on totally different meanings and mindsets.

I've set it up so that I can do a review of just the Work folder, but I can’t find a way to reverse the process.

If I click on the Review perspective and then de-select the Work folder and all its projects, then the perspective works for that one time. However, if I add a project in any of my folders, it will not show up in the review perspective--it would have to be re-selected and added to that perspective since it is going by a specific list of selections from the previous time.

I hope this makes sense! I know it’s a tiny thing and I could make the projects in my library under a Personal folder and select that for a review the same as I currently do for my Work review, but I’m really trying to simplify the project names that get cluttered with all the folders and subfolders and projects.

Thanks for your help! Any advice on a workaround would be much appreciated
I'm interested in this too. I was poking around in the perspectives option in Omnifocus for Mac (since you can't create perspectives on iOS) to see if I can limit tasks from Work vs non-work folders. I didn't figure it out immediately, but you reminded me to try again. Hope someone has a solution.
The closest solution I've come up with was to separate my projects into a personal folder and a work folder.

Then I create a repeating task to remind myself to review. Then I'll just go to the projects perspective and then highlight my personal folder. Then I select menu View > Focus on "Personal Projects". Then I' just go through the projects in the personal folder.

Another day, I'll focus just on "Work projects" folder and go through all of the work projects.

I also set up a repeating weekly task to remind myself to review work projects folder and another repeating weekly task to remind myself to review personal projects folder.

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