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Omnifocus vs Things: any transition advice? and multiple contexts question Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Recently, my responsibilities and tasks have been evolving into series of projects and complicated tasks spanning several areas of responsibilities, so I am trying to redesign/restructure my workflow and daily routines.

I've been using Things for many years, and I have been pretty happy with it. However, I think Omnifocus may improve my productivity, so I am currently trying the new Omnifocus(beta test version).

If you have extensively used Things and made a switch to OF, what was your reason and how did the transition improve your productivity? What is the main difference?

Also a question concerning the multiple contexts. When I use Things, I don't assign many tags since the action of tagging itself is somewhat anti-productive and does not necessarily help me, but I usually have 2~3 tags/contexts, primarily location and mood/energy level. I have been reading about the multiple contexts issue on Omnifocus, but I still cannot find a resolution.

For example, I'd like to filter my tasks with two primary contexts: location and energy level/mood. I could make a single action list with specific location, but I often have projects where some of the tasks are location specific(requires certain equipments at the lab) while some are not (such as researching or data processing).

At this point, I just have 3 hours of experience with OF, so I would appreciate your help/advice!
I am currently making the exact opposite move. The functionality in OmniFocus 2 is so bad for my workflow that for the first time since about 2008 I am looking for a different productivity software and have settled on moving from OmniFocus to Things for my productivity needs.

Concerning your inquiry; OmniFocus 2 does not support tagging or multiple context. I am a pretty strict user of GTD and have not implemented any form of tagging in OmniFocus myself. I do understand users have added hashtags in the notes section of individual tasks and used search to filter a context list. I am not sure if the workaround functions on iOS devices or not. The requirement of manually adding and maintaining this type of workaround seems pretty difficult to implement to me, I hesitate even mentioning it, and I am not sure how well it worked for those users.

I would suggest for you to ask around and see what other users suggest in the OmniFocus 2 forums.

Can I ask why you are venturing from Things to OmniFocus? I see you consider the move a productivity improvement and I am well aware that workflows differ among users. What I am curious about is if there was any functionality or feature difference you see as beneficial in one software over the other.

Thank you for any input and I hope I helped somewhat even though I do not utilize tagging.


Did a quick search in the OmniFocus 2 forums and the solution I mentioned already has a posting.
Well, some time ago (two, three years??) I made the trip from OF to Things and used Things for a year then gave up and returned to OF. I'm using both OF 1 and 2 (version 2 for evaluation) and must say that Things was a pretty thing, and perhaps that's why I moved to it. But after a while, the missing features relative to OF prompted me to give it up. As I recall, one missing feature in Things was the parallel/serial choices for tasks in a project. There were others, but I don't recall what they were - anyway at this point Things may have improved, so I shouldn't offer a strong opinion. As for tags, I didn't really miss that feature in OF.

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