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hide inactive contexts in projects view? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I love this program. I'm still trying to learn all the tricks, so I apologize if there is an obvious answer to this question. The view that I use most frequently on my PC is "projects" sorted by "due". I have the viewing options set to contexts: active. This seems to work hide the projects that have no remaining to-do items when a due date has been assigned. However, some of the projects still appear in the "no due date" list even if there are no items remaining. Is it possible to hide those projects?

I'm using sneakypeaks 1.1, but I this problem with the prior version as well.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
I started a response thinking I knew what you were asking, but when I went to try to duplicate it to respond, I realized that I didn't know what you were asking. But now I'm curious...

I'm not entirely sure if you're in planning mode or context mode. I'm thinking that to have the contexts set to "active" that you're in context mode. But then you mention "projects" sorted by "due" and later you state that projects still appear in the "no due date" list...

If I'm in context mode, which is the only way that I can set context to active, and then group by project, and sort by due...then the groupings are the projects and there is not a "no due date" list.

If I'm in context mode with context set to active and then group by due, then I get 'sections' of various due dates with "no due date" at the end. This is true regardless of how the sort feature is set (that just sorts within those 'due' sections).

So then I think that to be seeing projects and a "no due date" section, you must be in planning mode. If this is the case, my original response holds and you need to change the status of your completed projects to completed (or dropped, if that's why you don't want them to show up). You can do so either by right-clicking (control-click) the project title or by choosing the appropriate icon in the inspector (green check for complete, red x for dropped).

Also, you didn't mention whether you had the status set to available or remaining, and that may have something to do with it...depending on whether I was even in the ballpark of what you were talking about.

But thanks...I needed a little puzzle this evening. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help. I'm working on refining my perspectives so I find it interesting what others use and enjoy testing out different configurations.

Originally Posted by newtomac View Post

I love this program. I'm still trying to learn all the tricks, so I apologize if there is an obvious answer to this question. The view that I use most frequently on my PC is "projects" sorted by "due". I have the viewing options set to contexts: active. This seems to work hide the projects that have no remaining to-do items when a due date has been assigned. However, some of the projects still appear in the "no due date" list even if there are no items remaining. Is it possible to hide those projects?

I'm using sneakypeaks 1.1, but I this problem with the prior version as well.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Dear malisa,

Thanks for your help. I realized in looking over your email that my the title for my original posting was misleading. Sorry for the confusion -- I'm still trying to get used to all the Omnifocus jargon. I was actually in planning mode, with "library" selected in the sidebar, grouping projects by due, sorting by due, viewing remaining, any duration, any flag state.

Despite my garbled post, your response was very helpful. It helped me figure out how to tinker with perspectives in the Context mode to get a list of tasks for projects with to-do items by date. More importantly, it helped me really understand the fundamental difference between how the planning and context mode were designed to help organize tasks. I had watched the videos, but somehow didn't quite "get it" until grappling with my sorting needs.

So thanks again for your advice! I think I'll get much more out of using OmniFocus now that I understand it better!


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