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Moving all tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

After creating a list of tasks, say for instance I want to move the first task two days ahead (05/10/2009-> 05/12/2009). I have to them move each one below it two days ahead one by one and would like to know how to get them all to move two days. Can someone please share with me on how I do this.

How are the dates being set on these actions originally? Are you setting them, or is OmniPlan? You can grab the whole list of tasks you want to move and simply drag them to the desired spot on the timeline chart, but this will set fixed start dates for all of those actions and prevent OmniPlan from doing any scheduling of them, which may not be what you want. With fixed start dates, the tasks will stay where they are even if they could otherwise be started earlier.

If you haven't already watched them, the introductory videos at are quite helpful.

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